Friday, January 8, 2021

The Kumming Klenz


 Is it not odd how Trump supporters who never wear masks, are being called Trump supporters in wearing masks in the Capitol photos and being so violent they allowed people to photograph them, and ANTIFA just happened to be standing with DC police to record Ashli Babbett's murder.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


In observing that the CIA's ABC outlet was calling for a cleansing of "Trump Supporters" over ANTIFA being let in by the DC Police to ransack the Capitol. where only one Veteran Patriot in Ashli Babbett was murdered at close range by various reports of a DC lieutenant, Secret Service blue squad and Mike Pence bodyguard..........

There are now real hunting down of Americans by the left trolls in getting people fired and posting on them to criminalize them.

Jenna Ryan is one such American, who is completely innocent. She flew to DC with others on a private jet and for this she is being damned by the DOJ is arresting people who wandered into the Capitol on crimes that will get them hung or life in prison.

New newest whiz is the propaganda press charge that "hostages were going to be taken". The photo shows a masked person, no identity and concludes this was to take hostages, as a chant was started to hang Mike Pence, and the proof was "gallows" constructed that would not hold a sack of flour.

What has arrived are capital crimes. Those behind silencing Americans are going for the kill in creating felony federal crimes to execute people to terrorize the population. Others are being raped economically in their jobs are being taken from them. This just did not happen. This was part of an agenda which was pre planned and green lighted.

Remember John Thune's "shot down like a dog" comment about the challenges to election fraud. He was being briefed on security measures and somewhere in this shot down like a dog was said and repeated, and who gets shot down like a  dog by example, Ashli Babbett.

This is just starting. It appears if President Trump does not stop this steal, that the entire millions of the police state are going to be engaged in indicting, arresting and prosecuting Americans. Remember in Hutatree it was the BATFE which was doing the was started in DC by whoever was hired and transported in those buses with the motive being to criminalize Trump supporters, all of them.

Those behind this crackdown have criminalized Americans and are unleashing yellow journalism from the CIA and criminalizing Americans in high crimes to execute them.

It is the Klenz.

Nuff Said



