Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Murderer of Ashil Babbett under Investigation by US Attorney - What about Joe Biden?



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



The Lame Cherry's assessment is, ok the DC police let terrorists into the Capitol which enticed innocent Americans to enter who are now charged with capital crimes.

What about Hunter Biden? What about Joe Biden?

Is this just the bone to shut the dogs up from barking, while Americans are purged from social media, including the President, and more murders of Americans will take place in the coming crackdown.

It would be wonderful if the information. provided by Maria Zack, in the Italian Government has released information that Joe Biden, CIA and the State Department stole the election from Italian uplinks.

Maria Zack - Italy Did It - Arturo D'Elia Admits To
Stealing The US Election - Votes Switched - Watch

This is the affidavit of the Italian who assisted in this election steal for Joe Biden.

 This information was known to members of Congress.

It was a high crime of Mike Pence and all members of Congress who voted to certify this stolen election.

Nuff Said
