As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The irony of the following story makes me smile, for as much as the 1% has driven hyphen wedges between Americans to hate each other, the one thing thee American Right and Left completely agree upon is they both hate this fraudulent group called Congress.
Fear grips Capitol Hill: “Untouchable? We’re all touchable now”
Washington — The attack on the Capitol a week ago has left lawmakers with a heightened sense of vulnerability about their own security — and fresh questions about whether their own leaders and the U.S. Capitol Police are adequately equipped to handle those concerns.
The sense of unease has been heightened by President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next week. The Capitol Police have erected a fence around the Capitol, and the National Guard is now planning to bring 20,000 troops to Washington — an increase of 5,000 from earlier plans, according to a Defense Department official.
But members of Congress have not been advised on how they should plan to enter the Capitol security perimeter if there are large crowds gathered outside the fence.
Do you not relish the reality that in a free society, which supposedly just had free elections, of a People who elected representatives, that on January 6th, the People had the 436 members of Congress fleeing FROM THE PEOPLE.
Now the 436 is building walls, where walls on the border were scorned, to protect themselves from the People.
The People have the US Attorneys hunting them, the FBI arresting them and the US military arrayed with deadly force to be used against the People.
This police, political and military state is so warped in their minds, in none of them seem to question, why instead of being supported by the People, they are imprisoning and murdering the People. Should not the People be the greatest defenders of thee above, if the above were promoting the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of the People?
Of course the 1% set this up to play out this way, and they have earned congratulations, that the 1% now has arrayed the few million of the police and military state to protect them, while for around 58,000 dollars a year, plus benefits and retirment this .1% will die for the 1% as expendables.
The United States now has something in Washington DC and 50 state capitals, which has unleashed the police state against the People, as this group which represents the elite and not the 99% of the People, fears the 99%.
I record this is more than ironic, for it is a condemnation of the Congress, the Courts and the Media, in a free society, the left cheers when the Right is slaughtered and the Right cheers when the left is hauled away, and it is all carried out from the monument to Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden, in these ivory walls and barriers to keep Americans out of their own buildings and all of these officials paid more than 58,000 dollars a year are terrified of the People.