Friday, January 1, 2021

What is in President Trump's Hand for January 6th?



Committee launches probe of Mitch McDicks grifting wife Chao's ties to family's business  rollcall 


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry wills to make a point that all of the blackmail information that Obama Biden Clinton used to extort votes out of traitor John Roberts is still there and anyone can use it, or allow others to use it, to hang traitors in acting out against America.

We no longer need any more evidence that the Presidential Election was stolen in 6 states from Arizona to Virginia. Each new piece is only more damning evidence against Joe Biden.

 Expert: Biden win ‘suspicious,’ 289,000 election-changing ‘excess’ votes   washexam


In a wonderful expose and exclusive, Natalie Winters details the Mockingbird media outlets who have been bribed by communist China, and all of them hate Donald Trump and all of them are covering up the Biden election steal.


REVEALED: Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events

Natalie Winters


Outlets: Free Hunter Biden Type Junkets


Outlets: Private Dinners



It is common evidence now that the communist PLA of Peking has been using the Vaginal Chopstick to get at everyone from Rupert Murdoch, Mark Zuckerberg, Congressman, and hosts of others which remain classified intelligence beyond the public's reach.

Thankfully President Trump has declassified a host of documents pertaining the various corrupt operations under Obama Biden, aimed at the President.



The Lame Cherry though has a question, which all of you are aware of, in the NSA and Five Eyes, collects all data around the globe. We know from General Michael Flynn that the NSA automatically collects intelligence data on foreigners, and their contacts in the United States who are supposed to remain masked.

We know for certain that Hunter Biden's pedophile computer was know to Rudy Giuliani since December 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, meaning the Biden family has been a known foreign traitor entity for a year.

Now the question is, we have messages from Joe Biden's brother to Hunter Biden, that Joe Biden was meeting with Obama to threaten and cover up the Biden family crimes.

Would it not be logical to assume that somewhere in the NSA, there are recordings of Joe Biden, recordings of Chinese communist leaders in Peking, speaking about bribes, selling out the United States, discussing ways to steal the election for Joe Biden in exchange for favored status from Joe Biden?


President Trump to Declassify Intel Showing China Offered Bounties to Attack U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

The question is as the Trump campaign has hinted that they have other evidence which was not presented in court and rejected from being heard by John Roberts, what if this information is Joe Biden being recorded selling out America in criminal and treasonous phone calls? What if this evidence is played before the Senate and House when the contested electoral college votes are being debated?
What is the President has secretly or is about to declassify these specific smoking calls?

What if this is what the President's team is about to unleash for everyone to hear, so any Congressman who votes for Biden is voting for treason which is a High Crime. Would this not be a kraken?

We know something is there in the DIA and OMB, in the intelligence on Joe Biden, as both agencies are stonewalling Joe Biden and his treacherous staff from looking at the financial outlays and deployment of United States counter measures to China.

In knowing those actions, there does not seem any way these officials would be engaged in anything like that, unless there was absolute information of Biden's treachery, because they would end up in prison by Biden or dead by the PLA once they left office.

There are indications of something there, and the opportune moment would be in the contested election debate in both Houses of Congress.

Where else could this information be released, put on the national record, everyone would know of it, and if Congress proves traitors like John Roberts and the media bought by China, then this would set the state for the Insurrection Act to be unleashed, as the public would demand the President save the nation from all of the above.

The Lame Cherry is not spinning false hopes, nor kicking the can to January 6th and beyond. This blog analyzes the data as a tactician, and in noting actions, and reactions, this is a projection which fits into a greater than odds chance of becoming reality.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
