Thursday, January 7, 2021

What Joe Biden Stealing Looks Like

Joy is such an ass twat..
Meghan is such a cunt bung....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I was talking with TL and I realized that with Trump Nation bloodied and murdered on the Capitol floor, that you still have liberals going Gestapo in wanting to burn us all up in the ovens.

Look at Joy Behar. Bidencon stole every election, stole the Congress, the Presidency, is blackmailing the Courts to see no evil and the FBI can hear no evil, and it is not enough for them. They are still snarling, bitching, hate filled PMS, Wolf Blitzer arresting everyone.

 Joy Behar Wants Matt Gaetz ‘Taken Down,’ Calls For Sanctions On Right-Leaning Media   caller 

That's the reality in this, in we're having a good time. We are laughing, we are together mourning, we are hopeful beyond hope and we have Lin Wood telling us not to believe Biden or Pence and only listen to the President........hell I would rather have one Lin Wood facing Mexicans at the Alamo than Mike Pence as Exalted Whiteness with all the National Guard he can call out to beat up Trump supporters with a stick.

That is what pisses liberals off. Conservatives have a good time. Liberals can't get over that they think they have us on our knees in terror and instead we are cracking jokes and laughing in our own graveyard, because it is our own graveyard.

It must be horrid being fat Meghan McCain and saggy Joy Behar, gnawing on each other, and hating Trump supporters, and it only gives the Trump supporters even more things to smile about.
