As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
You know I was thinking about that Cowboy Couy who is in detention for supporting Donald Trump and the 400 other Americans who are being hunted down, and even that BLM guy who was with CNN pretending to be a documentation, that there is something in being charged which is the last thing those who covered up the election steal and those who bused in the rioters, want, and that is DISCOVERY.
See when you get charged, arraigned and things, you as a defendant actually have expanded Constitutional Rights which normal people do not have. One major Right is discovery. It is the right of being told what is in the prosecution's files for evidence.
That is important as you also have another Right in subpoena and deposition. You even have the Right to make the Court note if someone is hostile towards you as a witness. In that the Judge will make anyone under oath provide you with evidence to help your case.
In America, being indicted unleashes the kraken.
In the article about Couy, I figured the courts would limit the venue, like only charging him for being where he was not supposed to be. See that would have the Judge refusing requests to expand the trial, meaning the Judge would say, 'All we are trying here is if you stood on the steps. Nothing about election fraud". That would limit the scope. Bear with me on this as I wonder if Couy actually on his website wrote things like a journalist as that sort of becomes another matter in the First Amendment in the claim of a Citizen Journalist who was investigating and posting things as in freedom of the press.
If someone, say like Joel Skoursen who revealed that the Generals were being fed disinformation from the NSA and other agencies, were brought up on charges, then if he was on Capitol Hill, he could say that he was reporting like the BLM kid who was charged. This then for a fair trial would definitely open up discovery. In fact, a defendent like Couy and the 400 others, should be able to petition the court for affidavits of phone records, conversations, depositions of the Mayor of DC, the Police honcho and whoever else was at Homeland, FBI or Pentagon, to find evidence, as the news reports stated the feds tried to offer the DC Mayor assistance and she turned them down.
There were reports of the DC cops opening up the gates to let people in. Again, that is discovery in orders had to be given to open those gates, so..........who was giving the orders, as the defense moves to being framed like Carter Page was framed by Stefan Halper.
:Lawsuits for the dead, open up even more avenues to depose everyone as Mitch McConnell said there was not any election theft and that the mob was manipulated. Well he was talking to someone, so for a billion dollar lawsuit, you haul these people in and see who at NSA, FBI and whatever were telling them one thing, and then you find who was telling Rudy Giuliani another thing in those Frankfurt servers.
That is where this progresses to in the criminal trials are going to have Dr. Simone Gold who had conferences which were providing information on a variety of issues. She certainly would have the Right of Discovery in the charges against her, not being limited to trespassing, but cemented in the realm of the journalist, and all that she covered, like Lara Loomer, is what she was detained and questioned over, and if any questions from the FBI or police entered the sphere of asking about or accusing in extraneous issues, that is a legal door.
An example would be, "You really did not believe that the election was stolen did you?" or "You really did not think that you were going to stop Congress from it's duty did you?" Those are inquiries which have more to do than trespass. They have to do with who knew what and who told what to who.
See this is the rabbit hole, because what if under oath the DC Mayor, in subpeonaed texts or other evidence was speaking with entities in Congress, in Corporate or in the Police State. Then every one of those people the DC Mayor spoke to, can be questioned and deposed for information. What was an original charge of trespass, and yes the US Attorney should never have uttered the words INSURRECTION nor other leaders, because once that term entered, it expanded from trespass to a federal high crime, and insurrection bring with it discovery of opening the files of the FBI, CIA, US Marshals, Secret Service, Pentagon, as there was coordination offered for this beyond DC, and all of those conversations would be evidence and the mentioning of insurrection, lists those who were thinking that, and produces a list of people.
For example, Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanded Homeland produce military units with machine gun crews. That is a fact. Nancy Pelosi did not have a botox dream and came up with that. Someone told the Speaker that and she seized upon it. Who was that person and what links do they have throughout government, and why were they thinking about putting machine guns up to mow down unarmed Americans?
In this analysis of the Discovery of Evidence, what would be produced by 400 indicted Americans, would become a cross weave of evidence and people, who would begin appearing in a pattern. This would be the group who set up the framing of Americans. More importantly, this would be the group, whose communications would start patterning to the conduits who are the go betweens, in George Soros and Warren Buffett world of funding ANIFA and BLM, who frame Americans in set ups.
That is the list which would get people killed as in the Clinton years, because that group is above the law. It is all there though and the fact is ATT, Verizon, NSA all have the data of contacts, and given a PROMIS type software, the data entered, as that is what the national criminal files do, would sort hundreds of thousands of communication to linked patterns and reveal all of the above.
Those in the shadows do not have 500 fixers. They have the trusted conduits, and that progresses out to dealing with the John Roberts types. When this blog kept asking about the Missing Link in the Trump Frame, there was someone or a small group who were talking Paul Manafort up. Larry Klayman in Jerome Corsi's defense was in the initiation of DISCOVERY. Larry Klayman was about to find evidence connecting to the shadows and Mueller got orders to shut it all down, to protect the Missing Link.
Discovery is the key in this. You just can't though start subpoenaing to everyone. There has to be a connection to the charges and those connections will in this labyrinth produce evidence of contacts, and that produces the patterns which discovers who was ordering all of this.
It was a mistake in going after 400 people, as they could discover too much evidence if they figured this out. It was a mistake to use the word insurrection, as that opens up the venue of expanded discovery. This opens Pandora's Box.
Donald Trump has 100 million supporters. You are going to get lawyers in this who will want to make a name and the odds increase in 400 cases, as evidence in on trial is public information which disseminates to all.
This operation was too big, in a semi free society. You get away with this in China after 80 years of Mao, not in just flipping the United States. If I was in charge, I would reign all of this in, shut it down, let the FBI and DC assets get charged for their street creds, fine Cowboy Couy seven dollars and tell him to stay out of DC until a Republican is installed.
9 11 was the correct operation. Blame the foreigner, kill all the assets and have one show trial for that Minnesota Muslim, get your Patriot Act and go make a distracting war. This Capitol thing was a klusterfuck and still is. It really needs to be shut down the replacement event by the 1% become the story.
Justice Department considers NOT charging up to 800 MAGA rioters who caused havoc at the Capitol 'since most of them just trespassed and were not violent'
Nuff Said