Sunday, February 7, 2021

Don jr. is Fucking Annoying


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I can fully appreciate President Quandom Trump in dealing first with the unConstitutional impeachment of a civilian, but whoever sent Don jr. out in doing another January 6th pep rally, with absolutely no information, except Donald Trump has plans, and social media fact checking is where it is at.

The Lame Cherry would submit this.

Don jr. ran like a coward when Ashli Babbitt was murdered. That group could not cover their asses fast enough as that woman died for them, as did others on that day.

Don jr. apparently is not aware that there was voter fraud in 2020. That fraud is only going to expand in 2022. Joe Biden is going to employ ways to keep Americans from voting in 2022. Not dealing with that reality, is not worth jack or shit in voter's minds now, as many are done with politics and all have had it with the Trump children, starting with Don jr.

When one has spoken for the President, the requirement is more than a pep rally without substance.

Put it this way, Marjorie Taylor Greene in her statements and actions have provided a focal point for President Quandom. She has spoken with Trump. She is going to meet with Trump. She took on democrats, and is now going to campaign for Trump Republicans for the next two years in becoming a national figure.

Don jr. looks uninformed, weak, feckless, like the talking vulva of that woman he took up with after leaving his pretty wife.

Ashli Babbitt is dead. A number of women are now in custody, including Dr. Simone Gold, who Sr.and Jr. both retweeted on Chloroquine, and there was not any amnesty granted nor declared.

The Forgotten man, the Forgotten women. Don jr. seems to think his political focal point is on issues which are not the value of life. How about NO ONE LEFT BEHIND Don jr. How about you get off your lily white and deal with ending the criminalization of Americans who supported your father. How about that missing 100 million which was collected to STOP THE STEAL and is in the clutches of it seems Katie Walsh, the paramour of Mike Pence, and that money be used for LEGAL COSTS of Trump supporters. I'm certain that you can tell the difference between your supporters as Gayway Pundit just listed 20 ANTIFA and BLM terrorists at the Capitol.

You do not get to build your movement on the bodies of those who trusted you. People are not disposable.

The Lame Cherry will gladly assist the Trump efforts, but as I was abandoned in 2017, the rules are now exposing policies which are unacceptable and providing suitable alternatives which are pleasing.

The future is Futurus Ivanka. Ivanka has her heart set on removing sweaty Marco Rubio, who as history proves, was the conduit from Bush family who started that Paul Singer dirt file on Donald Trump.

The Lame Cherry can appreciate the Trump's necessity to remove Sweaty Marco, the dew off the balls of John McCain and the sweat off the nethers of Jeb Bush. First things first though. We need to give Ivanka a big debut, and the Lame Cherry is fittingly creating that time line. But first we have to teach the primates that Tarzan does not forget Cheetah in the boa's coils.

“He’s actually accurate,” Don Jr. said of his father’s statement. “The reality is this movement isn’t over. All of the blood, sweat, and tears that you guys have all put into this thing is very much still alive and well. You see that. I mean, this is really a movement of the people, a movement against the establishment, a movement against the elite.”

The message comes as we haven’t heard much out of the former president in recent weeks, which is very likely strategic as he maintains silent running ahead of his sham second impeachment trial.

“A lot of those things have been brewing for quite some time. And that’s why for me I’m still standing engaged and we’re going to get in there and fight to elect people who really represent the people—people like you who have gone through so much,” said Don Jr., adding that his dad is still “going to be in that fight.”

“I know he’s still going to keep going. I know we’re up against a lot, we always have been,” Don Jr. said, adding that the former president is “going to be in there making sure that we have people who truly represent what America is all about.”

Don Jr. then railed at the blatant bias and hypocrisy of social media.

“When I look at things that I put up on my social media that are totally objective or that are satire, one or the other, that [social media content] gets fact-checked so that they can use that to knock my platform, to prevent me from getting any kind of reach,” he said. “I see that stuff on a daily basis, I don’t see that on the other side. I don’t see Joe Biden getting fact-checked when he said he’s not going to ban fracking when he bans fracking.”

OK so let us teach the primates that Tarzan rescues the primates, and they will then be available to decide if President Trump is going where they are going.

This poor orphan girl though will have more on where we are going in peace. Shalom.

Here is a suggestion for Don jr. How about he see if he has talent in creating fundraisers. You know giving Ted Nugent things to do, like play his guitar to raise money for this grand adventure in sucking up all the money which might go to Romney GOPliters who we all would like to see be given new occupations.

Earn your way Don jr, from the bottom as you got perched on top the easy way and you are only annoying people now.

Nuff Said
