Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci & The Murder of the Elderly in Dr. Mengele Style

Why yes I am mistaken for Josef Mengele a great deal....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following video is from a facility in German for senile old people. The same reports are coming from Sweden and the United States in numbers of elderly are dying and being incapacitated with this vax. It seems reasonable in this information, if someone has dementia, the last thing which should be done is give them the vax.  

It appears as the David John Oates found in reverse speech, something in this vax destroys never cells.


8 dead - 11 severely debilitated in the period after the Fauci Gates Covid vax.

Those sharing this video are conducting more research and term this homicide.

This is the sadistic inhumane world of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel and Joe Biden who are gearing up to do this to children, who do not need this vax.

Nuff Said
