Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Joe Biden Paying His Election Bills


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If not for intrepid journalist, Lara Logan, we would not have discovered what is taking place on the US Mexican Border, in there are non stop cartel gun battles taking place, as the commodity is human smuggling, sometimes from Iran and sometimes from all points south.

Thousands are poring into the United States and the Border Patrol has been ordered to just stand there.

To make an Anthony Fauci point, the world still is dealing with Coronavirus. There is not enough vax. People in debilitated conditions are still dying from it, and spreaders by the thousands are entering the Untied States.

Lara Logan shocked by scene at Southern border: ‘War raging on America’s doorstep’

While all of this seems distant, there are realities in this. Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities are paid to bring these beaners to your communities. The political intent is to overthrow Republican States in these new voters. The monetary intent is the chamber of commerce hiring these 15 dollar an hour Biden workers, who are going to signed up for Bidencare, buying your homes, your cars and your food and fuel, which will drive inflation up and make the 1% richer.

This all ties into the CIA's Time magazine revealing the fact that a cabal stole the election for Joe Biden. a pedo cabal, and a cabal that is being rewarded in having the Mexican cartel funds laundered into their Wall Street accounts.

For the record, the Mexican mafia is in every State. It controls the drug trade, it is moving people around, it is being protected by the police state, just as when Obama handed the drug operations over to MS 13.

The blood bath of Chicago is this organized crime warfare, and if you think the FBI is intimidating to Americans in their MAGA hunt, you will soon enough begin witnessing the manifestation of the same types of dead bodies which appear in Mexico, in knocking off local law enforcement and officials who do not play to get along.

Biden is implanting the entire 3rd world lack of civilization into every American community. These Untied States will soon have PLA business thugs and farm managers, linked to the Mexican mafia, ruling large swathes of America.

It is a good thing this new Biden business empire, is being protected by the FBI.
