Wednesday, February 3, 2021

MERCK advocates to Contract Coronavirus for Immunity


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to share this in the pile of information helping people with this COVID mismanagement which is growing under Biden, and Bill Gates is now advocating goon squads to go out and build concentration camps around communities in "future pandemics".

What this involves is a darling woman who adopted us. She has a brain injury, but she adores us and we adore her, and her husband who is a gem. They both contracted Coronavirus Wuhan. He got it quite bad in the lungs and recovered. He told me though that due to his wife's condition, the doctor put her into the hospital right away. It was then, that she said something which surprised me in the treatment. She said they put her on anti virals.

She recovered with zero problems or lasting effects.

The reason I'm sharing this is MERCK is shutting down their mRNA vaccines as the are telling people to go catch the virus and gain immunity that way as it is better. What MERCK is focusing on ANTI VIRAL TREATMENTS which have been effective.

Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing antibodies.

The company announced that the shots V590 and V591 were ‘well tolerated’ by test patients, however they generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection.

The company stated that instead it will focus on research into therapeutic drugs labeled as MK-7110 and MK-4482.

The drugs aim to protect patients from the damage of an overactive immune response to the virus.

“Interim results from a Phase 3 study showed a greater than 50 percent reduction in the risk of death or respiratory failure in patients hospitalized with moderate to severe COVID-19,” the company’s statement noted of the MK-7110 drug.

Merck is to receive around $356 million from the US government to fast-track production of the potential treatments under Operation Warp Speed.

Chief Marketing Officer Michael Nally recently told Bloomberg that Merck is aiming to produce some 20 million courses of the MK-4482 drug, an oral antiviral which patients will take twice a day for five days.

None of this has made the news or reports about anti virals, and yet this friend of ours, the small hospital knew how to treat her and made her well again in a short time.

Chloroquine works with zinc, and we know that Trump's cocktail works, and now we have proof that the anti virals are working and MERCK is putting 20 million doses into the pipeline.

I told you that we were not going to be vax'd. MERCK has now confirmed their vax is not as effective, and it is better that people get the virus and recover, and it they have problems, to know that the anti viral  treatment should be started immediately in the hospital.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as a poor orphan girl trying to keep my children and my brats well.

Nuff Said
