Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Remember the Hand on the Ark

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today's Scripture teaching is the second time in a few weeks the Holy Ghost had directed me to the verses of King David bringing up the Ark of the Lord to Jerusalem.

An event took place though, as the oxen pulling it, started to balk, and someone reached out to steady the Ark and God killed him for it. David was angry over it, because it seemed an unwinnable situation as the Ark could not fall on the ground. David was afraid then too, as when God was killing people for touching the Ark, then David was people too.

I will explain the reading in context today.

II Samuel the Judge Chapter 6

5  David and all Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord, with castanets,[4] harps, lyres, timbrels, sistrums and cymbals.

6  When they came to the threshing floor of Nakon, Uzzah reached out and took hold of the ark of God, because the oxen stumbled. 7  The Lord's anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act; therefore God struck him down, and he died there beside the ark of God. 8  Then David was angry because the Lord's wrath had broken out against Uzzah, and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah. 9  David was afraid of the Lord that day and said, "How can the ark of the Lord ever come to me?"

Americans have allowed, out of not knowing what to do, and out of being good Americans, the removal of God and His Christ from leading the Nation. Their Founders are being struck down. Slaughter of children, sodomy and soon legalized rape of children is where this abomination is heading.

As in the days of Jehu, there have been assassinations of leaders, and coups to bring down leaders. Corruption reigns supreme in the police state throwing people into prison to intimidate the population and making criminals out of the innocent.

America now has a cup of wrath of national sins, as much as a ruling population which is anti God and Christophobe. God put His Name on America and the Founders signed a binding contract called the Declaration and the Constitution, which pledged their lives, their liberty and their fortunes. This IS Covenant and it can not be broken or ended.

So understand from God's court of law, He is being cheated, robbed and attacked.

Now look at the above Ark story. God chose David, a man after His own heart. What though was the history in this?

As you need a refresher course, God appointed Moses and a line of Judges, with God as King. The people though wanted their own human king and rejected God. God gave them what they wanted in a tall, handsome, powerful man named Saul. Saul was weak morally and soon he had civil and Philistine wars to deal with. Saul died in battle, and in the unification, David whom God chose cemented power as king and brought up the Ark of the Lord. Which led to the events.

What the Lame Cherry, Inspired is telling you is, just because you want God around, does not mean that God has forgotten being thrown out of America. You keep calling on God, you are bringing all of God, and that means His Consuming Holy Spirit which obliterates all that is not Right with God. Like the God who is watching David and Israel celebrate before Him, and just like if you had been raped, you would notice if you were riding in a car and it swerved and someone grabbed you. God noticed someone grabbing His Holy Ark. God is sensitive to what is in a man's heart and sensitive when He is in a nation which is disrespecting Him.

Do not be surprised in your praying, which is necessary to overcome evil, that God manifests in a Jesus Way as a Warrior King, Who strikes without mercy, because Jesus has been wronged. He laid His Life for sinners to repent and they threw Him into the street and did sodomy and baby slaughter over Him and are plotting raping children legally, and hunting His Faithful down. 

Jesus let Himself be slapped around almost 2000 years ago. That is not going to happen again. This time He comes with a Consuming Flame. This time He is the one with the weapon and doing the sorting out.

America is held by an anti Christ will. That will is not going to give up what it has stolen. Nature will convulse over the apostasy and there will be troubled times.The Bible says you are not going to take this back, but Christ will, and He will be fought at a place called Armageddon with the world arrayed against Him.

Your responsibility is to be right with God. You are to pray Christ comes quickly and the days are shortened to His coming. Do not expect though this is going to be everyone repenting and celebrating morality being restored.

God has record books called the Book of Judgment. God has a Cup of Wrath, where all of the sins and rebellion, in all of their wickedness and evil are stored, and God will pour them out in a reckoning and judgement, because He is Just.

The thunder will roll from Heaven when it is announced, It is Done.

Your intentions are good for Christ's rule, but do not expect others to want it, or for satan to give it over to Jesus coming. evil and wickedness can not occupy the same place as Righteousness and Morality.That is what the Prophecies are all about, God restoring that which is Lawful and Peaceful.

Till Shiloh come.

Nuff Said
