Thursday, February 4, 2021

Sean Homo Hannity - What a Fagtard


Aye oh Lindsey, that Qanon is wacko with that Greene woman,
but I trust you buddy like I do Pater Francis with children.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sean Hannity OWES Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene an absolute apology, after attacking her on Wednesday in not having any facts, and never having spoken to this woman, as President Quandon, Donald Trump has.

“I don’t know a single conservative or a single Republican; frankly, that even knows what QAnon even is, let alone buys into whatever those beliefs are,” Hannity claimed, but only after he said, “from my perspective, it is not a single conservative I know that shares those conspiratorial beliefs, or supports the action confronting young people, claiming that a school shooting that happened didn’t happen.”

If Sean Homo Hannity does not know anyone who is aware of Qanon, then he is the ivory tower elite. He also is with ignorant trolls, who have missed the reality that Qanon was a psyop run out of the DIA against President Donald Trump, and is not the tard who is claiming to  be the poster boy of this, as Swiss analysis proved there were TWO QANONS, not one.

It would have helped matters if Hannity had spoken with Representative Greene, as today she took to the House floor, after Democrats lynched her as Hannity did, and professed a reality that she was taken in by Qanon as many were. She has not spoken of this psyops since running for office or being elected. She has been SMEARED by the MSM, and now Sean Homo Hannity, in taking things out of context. which she has said.

This wife, mother, and Congresswoman, believes the same MAGA as Donald Trump. So Sean Homo Hannity is attacking President Quandon, as much as Vice President Quandon Pence, who believes the same things a Marjorie Taylor Greene.

BREAKING: Greene renounces conspiracy theories on 9/11, school shootings in House floor speech   hotair 

It is disgusting what the 1 % and their trolls have done to this woman. She is innocent, but has been put to the stake like Joan of Arc. I actually took the time to listen to her statement on the House floor and it was concises, CHRISTIAN in focused on Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and rallied to protecting the Life of those in the womb.

Sean Homo Hannity, the Vatican boy, who once giggled like that twat Ian Punnett, "Oh but it's Elton John" at Rush Limbaugh's wedding, is the same Christophobe as Rob Reiner attacking Christians, and in this case the ignorant Hannity attacked a waman with a savage mauling which was absolutely a vebal crime.

The Republican Party, had the same Bill Buckley purge of John Birchers who have been proven correct in everything they have espoused, but the CIA ran them out of the Republican party and then attached itself to Ronald Reagan in the Conservative movement, but left the base out in the cold.

It is the same with Marjorie Taylor Greene who Donald Trump supports. Donald Trump had a focus on MAGA, not what gamers were about, not what the alt right was engaged in, not what fringe media was talking about, because it was about putting America first and not kicking people out of the Republican Party in some Hannity litmus test.

Let's get  the facts straight in this in Sean Homo Hannity got that name, because he was pushing the gay agenda, like Mark Levin was. Gee and who was it that just got nailed for seducing children, but the Lincoln Project which hated Donald Trump and his fringe. That would be Bill Kristol, that husband of Kelly Conway, and all this other ilk, who are allied with the pedos, against Donald Trump.
The homosexual agenda is the base platform for legalized pedophilia and Ann Coulter was pushing that at CPAC years ago, and Hannity still is.

I do not give a care, if someone is law abiding, a Republican, who thinks JFK jr. is alive, and whatever else Qanon was feeding the mob. All I care about are the values that Marjorie Taylor Greene espouses, and she can believe the world is flat, as long as she is not Joe Biden in thinking I have to pay for it with high taxes or wants to vax me because I drive a car which burns gasoline.

I have not heard Sean Homo Hannity in months. I do not listen to those trolls on Coast to Coast who promoted Pedo Joe and Chinese PLA. Have no time for the psyops. I actually when I have wifi, do a listen to various podcasts or programs, not Steve Bannon, as they are closer to the facts than Homo Hannity in his crawling up Lindsey Grahams anus. Yeah like I am going to trust the guy that took over the DIA seat in Congress with Marco Rubio from John the hero McCain.

For once in your life man up, Vatican boy, and apologize to Marjorie Taylor Greene, as your 1% is not what the 99% are.

..........and yes I know this was manipulation by Hannity to cleanse the GOP of Protestant Christians for the DIA and cause the Web Tarpley GOP divide, but sometimes people need to find a Foxless medium to get the fuckwatd out of their thinking, and stop being manipulated.

Nuff Said
