Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Real Purpose of Joe Biden Exposed


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This from Mitchell Hendersen on World War in the positioning of forces. These are all backed by actual news articles. If you will notice in these, this matches almost entirely what this blog has been warning of in the past decade. What I had not noticed in the Biden distraction is Biden's mission has been to start World War IV. Biden has backed the United States off in all theaters. I repeat that as Biden's 1% has moved the United States to the same Queen Liz gambit intending for America to bleed for London domination. In Bidencon, central Europe will bleed, Sunni will bleed, India, Japan and Oz will bleed.

Pay attention to this as this is happening. Nations are on shoot to kill orders now in these theaters.

Nuff Said

India in real war with China

Australia is in a trade war

Philippines has shoot to kill orders on China.


China has decreed it has a shoot first on all shipping

Japan has gone to open fire on all Chinese ships. Stating with Australia that if China shoots at their ships, it will be war.

The array is now India, Australia and Japan allied against China.

The JIA Pact was stunned by Biden's lack of leadership and has joined to counter China as they can not count on America.

Israel has gone to military action status since Biden has taken office, against Iran.

Israel has arrayed to invade Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel are forming a mutual defense against Iran.

Egypt and other nations are interested in joining.

This will trigger Turkey to invade Israel. Turkey is fighting Russia on south Asian fronts.

France and Italy have requested to join the alliance against Turkey in Cyprus.

Iran has attacked the Saudi Royal palace in missile attacks. Iran has attacked US bases in Iraq.

Europe has rejected Biden leadership. They view Russia an ally, not  the United States.


 The 1% has opened battle fronts in Asia, Mideast and Europe. Theaters of battle are China Sea, Cyprus and Iran.

Pedo Joe has served his purpose. The global war has begun.


The Major's speech in Hellsing Abridged - YouTube

I loved this speech so much. Credit to Hellsing Abridged 4 and the wonderful minds who make it.
