Friday, February 5, 2021

Who is it Anthony Fauci is speaking about Dying?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates has been examining Dr. Anthony Fauci in speech reversals, and Fauci has a theme which the Coronavirus was real, but was "faked" to bring about some horrendous events to pass. I will touch on something at the end of this, but Fauci said this virus program was all a con, but he says IT's IN HIS DEATH A NEW.

Fauci is on the inside. It appears he knows someone important is going to die, and something new is going to come from this.

Fauci says the vax are to mark people.

It's in his death a new

Yes dream in a con.

We fed the big con.

In the mud, the con

We touched America

Then they mark you it will be lost (This was about the 3 vax)

Seize it, grievous, thought

What I want to finish with is, D J Oates has noted that the collective conscience or the matrix brings reversals, like prophecies that people are talking about, without any knowledge. In the last Oates reversals, he had found Donald Trump talking about MAGA and terrorism, in January 2019. That was a year before the January 6th set up and yet the President was talking about it.

Given that time window, David John Oates conducts conversations with clients where they talk to him on the phone and he records their conversations. Something has been coming out in this for some time and it is war. Fauci talks about war, his clients are talking about sudden war, world war.

Now Mr. Oates thinks the war is already on us, this Coronavirus situation.  I would disagree. He was picking Simoon, the Arab word for the winds of war, which was classified. As the collective is talking war, I believe we are 11 to 13 months out from a world war.

Biden's policies will cripple and crash thee American economy. These vax, this resistance to the vax is going to smash this economy in lack of trade. Ships are lined up offshore to create shortages. 500 people are now dead from this vax.

I have not inquired on this, but the Jen Psaki pressers being so incompetent, and Biden with dumby cards, indications are they are moving to remove Joe Biden. Neither Harris nor Biden are capable of leading America. The Pentagon installed Biden for a real war. America is now hunting 100 million armed Citizens by the FBI. The English have divided their population in blackmail lockdown in people over 50 must get the vax or the lockdown will not be lifted. They have pitted young versus old.

I believe the Great Eurasian War is is counting down in Biblical proportions.

A world war is coming and reversals in this heinous war match in reverse speech one of the most wicked people of this age in Anthony Fauci. Considering the hell he put America through, the numbers of people who have died from wearing masks as my uncle did, and using the virus to install Biden and rob the presidency from Donald Trump, the funder of the Coronavirus and profiter of it was Anthony Fauci. It is a bioweapon which will bring a hot war, a very hot war.

........and what is Pedo Joe's SecDef focusing on?

He just fired hundreds of advisers to the military to get rid of the Trump few, and now SecDef is standing down the United States military to throw "Republicans" out of the army.

Thursday February 4, 2021 1:06 PM

The U.S. military on Wednesday acknowledged it was unsure about how to address white nationalism and other extremism in its ranks, and announced plans for military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity at some point in the next 60 days to tackle the issue.

The decision to a hold a stand-down was made by Lloyd Austin, who made history by becoming the military’s first Black defense secretary after a long career rising in the ranks of the Army.

The US military is now standing down for 2 months, of necessary preparations for a coming world war, TO FIGHT ITSELF!

Seriously, the FBI is hunting down civilians, the SecDef is hunting down soldiers, and Fauci is going to Fauci all of them.,

Nuff Said
