Friday, March 12, 2021

Beach Baby


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading on Infowars a bit of science in how scientists believe planets are formed. The math and laws of averages are staggering in galactic size random odds. I always liked the Star Trek explanation  in how many planets there are, and how many like earth, and the odds of life on those planets.

Nothing is exact, as even scientists estimate between 100 to 400 billion stars. Just in Yellow Dwarfs as our sun, if they were 10 percent, that would still be 10 billion yellow dwarf stars.If only 10 percent of them had planets that is a billion planets like earth. If 10% had the chance for life, that is 100 million planets with water on them, and in that, if 10 % actually had life, that would be 10 million planets with life forms, and 10 percent of that would be 1 million planets which could have developed intelligent life.

While I do not believe that there is more life out there than what God created, that is staggering in a million planets on the conservative side which could have the wonders of earth, in a hot liquid core for medium temperature and a sun for life sustaining temperatures.

That number rises as other stars, depending on planet placement could have the same life sustaining material on them.

The make up of planets are thought to be the same type in pebbles for earth type planets in growing to planet size. Everything is fluid in this universe, whether fire, dirt or water. It all acts like water from magnetic waves to light waves. Everything rotates  on the whole as a process. It all welds together in molecules and motion, and the same process which creates a planet, is a process which sustains life.

In the Bible the Word states the Holy Ghost brooded over the waters. That is God giving life to earth at the basis of the God Light molecular structure. It must be considered in the reverse of Star Trek in the great deception that humans came from space seed, that one of God's perpetual plans is to send His Spiritual children out to hundreds of trillions of planets to repeat what was accomplished on earth by Him.

Remember that the Milky Way is spoken of here. There are billions of galaxies. Each child of God could invest a great deal of Glorifying time in renewing the universe to God's Light.

The same building blocks that produce clouds and people and plants are the same building blocks which repeat, as water molecules all behave the same way in cold, heat and warm conditions, and those things made of water always create stress molecules in calcium and carbon in the same patterns.

Now, researchers from the GLOBE Institute at the University of Copenhagen have published an eye-opening study, indicating that water may be present during the very formation of a planet. According to the study’s calculations, this is true for both Earth, Venus and Mars.

“All our data suggest that water was part of Earth’s building blocks, right from the beginning. And because the water molecule is frequently occurring, there is a reasonable probability that it applies to all planets in the Milky Way. The decisive point for whether liquid water is present is the distance of the planet from its star,”

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
