Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Can You Help The FBI Find A Domestic Terrorist


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is fortuitous of the FBI having wasted over two months in investigating the DC pipe bomber and instead took the bait in hunting down trespassers on Capitol Hill who are not dangerous.

As this Lame Cherry pointed out, what triggered the Patriot Act for the FBI to invade the privacy of American bank accounts and phone records? It was this pipe bomber, who the FBI gladly trampled American rights when the bomber handed them this wonderful opportunity, as Chris Wray even was speaking of domestic terrorism of trespassers, when all of this was the work of this one person.

The fortuitous part is the FBI having wasted all of this time, has now released more images of this pipe bomber, as they either have been warned off to not find them, either know who this individual is or who they work for, or they are incompetent in having joined in a political witch hunt against stupid people who thought they lived in America.

In studying this digital recordings, what stuck me like the back up studio filming of the moon walk in case something went wrong, is how well positioned this pipe bomber was, as if he knew where every camera was, made certain they were centered in the shots, and like a fine mystery novel, the individual actually walks on a street, from one side of the camera shot to the other and then back, stopping perfectly at stage left and stage right.

As this is proof of the forensic psychology this blog warned of, in this person knew where ever camera was, knew which cameras to avoid, knew where to stand to the last foot, is a person with knowledge no ordinary person would have. These recordings were either made for the FBI for public consumption of a well acted out plot which the FBI had no idea of the production, or the FBI was part of the production at the highest levels.

The segment where this person sits on a bench, perfectly framed, gets up, returns, and then stretches their shoulders is not about having carried this bag so far, as the weight was not that much, but was for a person knowing they are being recorded and is a reaction of performance. The same is the case in the perfect stage right and stage left, when this person poses as if they are reading a GPS or cell phone. This is performance in triggering the observer to ponder what the mystery is in this individual's hands.

So with this additional information, we know someone created pipe bombs, meant to be found, which would never detonate. We know the person was performing for cameras they knew were there and knew exactly where their field of view was recording.

All of that knowledge and skill, indicates there was assistance from inside the swamp. The person is in good physical condition, as in someone in the military or law enforcement. The more evidence released, the more this person links to Speaker Pelosi not desiring security on Capitol Hill, and a large black officer shooting down a petite white veteran to trigger the mob. All of this fits a pattern of orchestration from a single source and the FBI has played it's part with the US attorneys most proficiently in hunting down people as a diversion, in time for the Congress to pass a gun control and domestic terrorism shattering of Constitutional rights, in outlawing political beliefs of one party so the other party will win by the police state.

Like the Zapruder film, the perfect placement of the 9 11 cameras, this performance of the pipe bomber is designed to lead to a conclusion which is not real.

No more real than John Durham ever going to prosecute any of the coup plotters. It is just a wonderful performance that all should compliment for the production value put into it. It actually exceeded Pedo Joe's inauguration, and probably why it did as all the money went into this production.

If I was as FBI man, I would do what they all have done, in not resigning, and not asking any questions and when some LH Owsald is offered, just accept the story, as this key part of January 6th appears to have been produced to assist the FBI. That kind of production quality gets elections stolen from Presidents and even when the FBI covers up the crime in agreeing with it, it is best to just pretend you are looking for the pipe bomber, and then when that incredible lead comes in to arrest whoever has been provided.
Looks good on the record, gets the nice promotion and who wants to endanger that nice retirement package.

Maybe the FBI should enlist Dick Allgire to remote view this pipe bomber. They enlisted David John Oates in Reverse Speech and then threatened him to keep his mouth shut on OKC.

Nuff Said
