Wednesday, March 24, 2021

David John Oates - Joe Biden's False Flag in Boulder Colorado


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates has concluded the Boulder mass shooting was staged. It is a false flag, generated by the police state.

Jen Psaki

Not needed medical attention - Guard this office they doubt me.

Joe Biden

I guess I'm supposed to keep this on (mask)- We can't forgive.

I addressed the mass shooting - We need a sham

I spent time on the phone with AG and FBI  - I pay for the hits.

The American rescue plan - The work you cut not a gamble

On the verge of being evicted - The plan for Feds another human

We provided the funding for that - Within you have the poisons  (Either Biden on uppers or the vax is the poison)

They are getting a check in the mail - I am in the cash needed

This can be life changing - We're damn certain

Treat 300 patients a day - They're scared this is shit.

There is an obamacare plan - The lord worries you made it.

Get vaccinated when it is your turn. It is patriotic - The lie you get.

Speculate on what happened (mass shooting) - The shame of me and all they're hiding

The bravery of officer  - Say lie you say lie

Those poor folks who died - Now hit for god

Donald Trump

People come in legally - They muck it bad

I never thought Biden was worse than Bernie - I love the fuss and you look funny

The new green deal - I bring your fun you fun with devil

Nuff Said
