Tuesday, March 2, 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray defines Congress as "Dupes"


Mr. Director, why are you violating Joe Biden's executive order in ALL have to wear a mask on Federal Property?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

FBI Director Christopher Wray used an unfortunate term when he was testifying before Congresss, when he soothed Congressgenders in defining them as victimized.

Words mean things, and maybe the Director meant to insult Congressgenders, but to be victimized, you have to be punished unjustly. That did not happen.

Congressgender had to be taken advantage of..........that did not happen either.

To be a victim, Congressgender had to be tricked or swindled. That did not happen. The only people tricked and swindled were the MAGA people who showed up, and they too suffered from this adverse circumstance as Congress has not suffered in the lease, as Speaker Pelosi was calling for massed machine guns for mass murder of Americans and Amy Klobuchar is still calling this an insurrection which even the DOJ appears to have walked back to riot now.

Victimized: Punish unjustly, Take advantage of. To make victim.

Victim: A person tricked or swindled. An unfortunate person who suffers some adverse circumstance

Synonyms of Victim: DUPE

Director Wray went on to say that January 6th inspired terrorist extremists, foreign and domestic. Again with the wrong words as you do not call a Negro a Dark Black or a Caucasoid a Light White, as it is redundant so as terrorists are not pacifist terrorists, but all violent and extreme, it is not correct to use extremist terrorist together.

Furthermore, I have seen no information that anyone is inspired by Jan 6th. If anything, it taught people to stay the hell away from politics and government as it does nothing but betray you and then they hunt you down.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Tuesday that the Jan. 6 insurrection has been “an inspiration to a number of terrorist extremists” — foreign and domestic — and that the bureau is still eyeing whether any foreign actors might seek to infiltrate domestic groups to exploit vulnerabilities.

Wray also said he considers the siege “domestic terrorism” and is deploying intensive resources in every field office to pursue perpetrators.

“I was appalled, like you at the violence and destruction that we saw that day,” Wray said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. “I was appalled that you, our country’s elected leaders, were victimized right here in these very halls.”

In the above the Director says he was appalled by the violence and destruction. I do not understand why the man who leads millions of law enforcement was filled with apprehension, as it was Ashli Babbitt that got murdered, it was Trump people who died, including police, as what looks like ANTIFA people with shields were breaking windows out as BLM filmed Ashli Babbitt being shot, which the Director denies in ANTIFA was a not there, but let us move on to from the reports I have read, someone paid 25 cents for an envelop in Nancy Pelosi's office and someone drank a glass of wine, and both have been charged with something, so not a great deal happened.........save of course Patrick Byrne featuring the ANTIFA Onion Girl stating she had been gassed. People were gassed though and shot by police with rubber bullets. Unless the Director was appalled by that over use of police force, not a great deal happened, sort of like the Whiskey Rebellion which President George Washington let everyone off.

A real destruction took place in the White House when Andrew Jackson was elected President. His democrats almost destroyed the White House. That is real destruction and no one was charged for it.

The story of the wildest party in White House history

The White House has seen a lot of big parties, but nothing compares to March 4, 1829, when Andrew Jackson's open house sparked a mob scene that almost destroyed the President's house. Or so we...

So let us return to the theme of this, in Donald Trump was elected in 2016, to set up the Nationalist movement to be framed in this election theft, and propaganda which Joel Skoursen says came out of the DIA and other agencies. Director Wray is hunting down and intimidating people who once had the right to be stupid Americans. That is what America once prided itself on, they could be Mormons believing stupid things, they could be Jane Fonda doing stupid things, and people winced, but people were allowed to burn things out of their system and society flourished.

Let us not forget that Joe Biden has a pre written domestic terrorism bill and Director Wray focused on domestic terrorism. Let us not forget that Sara Carter asked the FBI how the FBI was harvesting every person's credit card information and the FBI declined to answer. They did it without warrants, so that pipe bomber who the FBI has not caught, who looked very trained, was the excuse to invoke the Patriot Act and not use warrants on Americans. Let us not forget what this walks like a duck looks like as the Director is playing his part  to advance a bill making it law for the police state to violate the Constitution.

@chuckwoolery | 562,161 followers

Pelosi, Says She Asked Him To Cover For Her

As Justice Gorsuch complained in a Supreme Court case of a cop chasing a person into their home without a warrant, the police have gone too far in making criminals out of everyone. The domestic terrorism law of Joe Biden, will make America a KGB no knock state, where they can do anything, seize anything, throw people in jail forever without charges.

That was appalling to the Founders and is appalling to all Americans, as even the ACLU used to protest against things like that when it was liberals being hauled away.

Director Wray though did not make a statement that he was appalled by ANTIFA and BLM burning down cities, murdering real police officers and murdering other Americans all in 2020 to set up this January 6th frame up. Director Wray like all those engaged in this have an evil which they call good, and a stupid which they call terrorism to advance a political agenda.

Words do have meanings, and events have meanings as does reporting on the facts on them. It would be better if Director Wray had not defined Congressgenders as DUPES.

It also would have been a relevant question if he was appalled in knowing that President Donald Trump offered 10,000 National Guard members to provide crowd control and Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied the request as she appears to have wanted all of this to happen to base her gun control and domestic terrorism agenda, just as she had no problem sending Cindy Sheehan and other liberals to hound President George W. Bush to retake the Congress.

Trump Confirms He Called For 10,000
National Guard...Which Pelosi Refused

In addition:

In assisting Director Wray and the FBI, the Lame Cherry after this was posted came across links on Rense.com which reveal Speaker Pelosi was behind this and that FOREIGN REGIMES WERE BEHIND THE RIOT. That is not domestic terrorism, and the Director can contact CBS who reported this.

Nuff Said
