People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When the Coronavirus cases spiked exactly as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche predicted they would, after a sharp decline by people being vaxed, it was ans alarming moment as the spike took place almost instantaneously and not the 3 weeks the doctor predicted.
The Lame Cherry was the first to write on the dangers of the ADCovid vaccines in the Russians Sputnik, ChiCan and Johnson and Johnson vaxes, as they would produce the same lethal and injurious results as the mRNA vaxes, even being completely different platforms, save they both carry the spike protein prion of the original bioweapon from Wuhan China.
It is in this, that two reported deaths have appeared with the injection of of the J & J ADCovid.
I will assume these were both ethnic in being non white. In that, the most troubling problem in this, is there are no patterns in this. One person was male, one was female. One died in a day. One died three days later, after appearing to recover.
The male developed a severe headache, which means brain swelling, and he fell asleep from the brain fever. This degraded within hours to high fever and chills. A few hours later he went into seizures and cardiac arrest.
This was like an encephalitis and the vax immediately infected the brain in hours. There should be a blood brain barrier, and yet this vax breached it almost instantly and in less than 12 hours, the man was dead.
Benjamin had a severe headache and started feeling ill. He fell asleep, hoping the symptoms would pass after some rest.
Mr. Goodman woke up at 1 a.m. with a high fever and chills. His fiancée, Lindsay Janisse, was awakened to Mr. Goodman having seizures at 4 a.m.. Ms. Janisse called 911 as Mr. Goodman went into cardiac arrest. Paramedics tried, unsuccessfully, to revive him on the scene. Mr. Goodman was rushed to a nearby Mount Sinai Hospital. But he was pronounced dead at 6:05 a.m. Sunday morning, March 14.
The female was unaffected on day one, but by day two she said the vax was killing her, and the attack was widespread, in the injection site, again brain swelling in head pain, this time though it was intestinal and with earaches, which again indicates in the earaches in fluid being forced into the ear canal from brain swelling.
She was pale and I desire to focus on the fatigue. This symptom has to do with the bioweapon shutting off the body's ability to process amino acid groups which produce energy.
The female felt better by day three and then suddenly died.
In searching these lethal cases of the vax for something in common, the only projection is that the brain was affected in both cases, one immediately and one later. The female may have developed more advanced symptoms due to a longer incubation as the male was dead in 12 hours and the female began feeling ill at 48 hours.
This is new in what murdered these innocents. The mRNA appears to attack infected cells in organs as in the Utah female's case, who died of liver failure. The ADCovid though appears to attack the brain, in being capable of crossing the blood brain barrier. If provided enough time, the infection spreads to the intestinal tract.
None of these cases have produced lung, cough or breathing problems as the original biological weapon.
I have been exposed to several of these strains. The last has produced the most difficult in the intestinal situation for TL and myself as it lingers, as has been noted in others who had long term recovery with this variation.
I have had fever and chills with this at the start. This though was one of the released versions and not the lethal vax. I do not understand all the details of this version, but I do know it interferes with protein absorption. A protein spike weapon and it affects protein as in meat absorption, as Bill Gates announces his frankenmeat in a test tube. There are not any coincidences. I provides this a Lame Cherry exclusive as I still do not have the answers.
Encephalitis is inflammation of the active tissues of the brain caused by an infection or an autoimmune response. The inflammation causes the brain to swell, which can lead to headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, mental confusion and seizures.
Encephalitis can be viral, fungal or bacterial. This vax is based on a chimp feces virus which was harvested out of excrement. Prions also cause encephalitis, but all of these sources do not murder people in 12 hours.
Definition. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), also known as prion diseases, are a group of rare degenerative brain disorders characterized by tiny holes that give the brain a "spongy" appearance. These holes can be seen when brain tissue is viewed under a microscope.
Hidden in these trails is the fact that the chimp base feces virus is as area adenoviruses, a group which has not been discovered why brain swelling does occur when injected.
To test the hypothesis of whether the viral or vector genome per se, or through the expression of viral proteins encoded by first-generation viral vectors, could cause inflammation in the brain ...
In this quote, I realize that it is over the education threshold of most of my children and brats, but what it is revealing is an antibody storm occurs in the body with ADviruses sometimes. This is what the vax manifests as.
I desire you to look at one quote which I highlighted.
Brain inflammation upon injection of viral vectors
Although several virus-derived vectors have been shown to cause brain inflammation, most information is available on adenoviral vector-induced inflammation. 17,18,19 Cytokine20 and cellular21 inflammatory reactions are elicited upon injection of first-generation adenoviral vectors. This is reflected in a release of the cytokines IL-1, IL-6, TNFα, and the stimulation of a fever response,20 when adenovirus is injected into the third ventricle. Cytokine levels increase very rapidly, with a peak observed at 1.5 h after virus injection, and a time course similar to the fever response, returning to normal within 24 h. Injection of adenovirus into the striatum elicits an increase of IL-1 and IL-6, but not TNFα or fever. Moreover, the fever response upon injection of adenoviral vectors into the lateral ventricle is blocked by antagonists of IL-1, demonstrating that the fever response is induced by IL-1, rather than TNFα.20 Similar increases in IL-6 and TNFα are detected upon systemic injections of adenoviral vectors.22,23
Also, the fever response elicited was independent of the transgene encoded by the adenoviral vectors, but did depend on the integrity of the viral capsid.20 The very rapid increase in cytokine secretion and fever makes viral protein expression an unlikely explanation for these responses. Similar very rapid increases in the levels of mRNA for IL-8, and stimulation of signal transduction pathways,24,25,26,27,28 suggest that the earliest phase (1–2 h) of inflammatory response to adenoviral vectors, both in nervous tissue as well as in other tissues, is independent of viral vector expression. Thus, the adenoviral capsid on its own may cause, through direct interactions at the membrane of target cells, stimulation of pro-inflammatory signalling cascades resulting in cytokine release.
If one studies the above, this Advirus produces different reactions, depending upon where it is vaccinated into the body in tests. The Lame Cherry asks a hypothetical based upon projections of cause and effect. We all know that Fauci is jabbing people in the arm. The Lame Cherry asks you, "What is in the arm?"
It is simple in your upper arm has muscle, skin, bone, blood, tendons, vessels and arteries. Look at the quote again and notice that some inflammation responses took place in about an hour when the ADvirus was injected into third ventricle of the brain. What if in the not exact methods of injecting people, and all people are not the same in where every vessel or artery is, that some medical jabbers just happened to hit the arterial system in the arm.
What if instead of slowly spreading in capillaries in the arm, into the body, that a more concentrated dose was in a few minutes back in the heart chamber, and in a few more heart beats, this concentration was pumping to the brain to feed it oxygen, and spreading into the capillaries there this chimp virus with synthetic prion spike proteins began attacking the brain instantly, and the brain swelled in a normal response as an antibody storm centered on the brain.
The male in this case died almost immediately while the female, had a brain infection which then spread throughout her body as her energy levels depleted in days, as her intestines became infected, and in longer term, perhaps a toxin in that bacteria began releasing in what murdered the female.
This would fit the scenarios, and it would in this roulette mean that some people would have an injection almost entirely into an artery where it spread to the brain in concentrated form.
The Lame Cherry stands on the Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche assessment that the vaxes are the wrong tool in this and are causing viral spread and super viruses by design. The Lame Cherry also believes that maybe when injections used to be given in the ass cheek, that it was to not hit an artery or vein and allow for a slow uptake of the vaccine. I still believe in long term that this vax is going to harm and kill people. It may be that people who are Darwin candidates should be getting this in the ass and not the arm, as something is wrong with the J & J in it is murdering people with a superspreader event inside some hosts. The conclusion is site choice and random chance that the vax is entering the bloodstream in concentrated form.
This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said.