Friday, March 12, 2021

Kristi Noem bend over for Federal Intrusion

 Mr. President this is my good friend, the traitor John Thune, he looks like 
a sniveling penis and that is what I look like before I put on make up,
as I talk a good game, but am just another South Dakota fraud.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

South Dakota not allowed to hold fireworks show at Mt Rushmore on July 4, National Park Service says - TheBlaze   blaze 

Dear Governor Noem,

Show some balls and tell the federal regime to remove their memorial from South Dakota or pay billions in back taxes for holding South Dakota lands hostage for over 100 years as no where in the Constitution does it permit the federal regime from owning lands in sovereign states.

And as for your Sioux Indians. Deport them, as they are Canadians out of Ontario who invaded through Minnesota, settled in Iowa at Spirit Lake and then moved into the Dakotas on a genocide mission against the Ree, Mandan, Pawnee, Hidatsa and Crow.

Those communist reservations can then be awarded in lottery of 160 acres homesteads to South Dakotans first, and the all of your invited  mask refugees from liberal states.

You do a great deal of talking Governor, but have nothing to say when it comes to your Senators and Congressgender voting in Biden in a steal or your Senators voting in Merrick Garland who is intent on hunting Americans down and grabbing their guns.

Why is that Governor? You shoot off lots of fireworks as the Corona Queen, but when it comes to liberating South Dakota from federal intrusions, you bend at the waist like all these other frauds in your coyote state.

Why does not someone ask Kristi Noem what she has done for 2 years, besides get people killed by bowing to Chinese meat slaughter plant industry in her state in spreading the virus and not denouncing her treacherous friends in South Dakotas DC delegation of Thune, Rounds and Johnson betraying Donald Trump and America.

Nuff Said
