Thursday, March 11, 2021

Meghan Markle States She Hates Harry and Will Destroy the Queen


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates had confirmation of what Meghan Markle is, which numbers of people have suspected, 
that this woman is deliberately moving to destroy the British Monarchy. Jeff Rense should be praised for years of supporting this work in featuring reverse speech. What you will read in the reversals is Meghan Markle hates Harry. She wants him down in the dirt. She wants him cut off from any other women who could refute what Meghan is brainwashing him with. She literally said she wants Queen Elizabeth destroyed.

She speaks of making her son a "god'. She wants that royal title.

In listening to this David John Oates mentioned on his Facebook page that the comments were discussing if Meghan Markle is some kind of sociopath. The question is how could one quadroon become fixated on the royal family, want to remove Charles, William, Kate, and their three innocent children, to make her Archie into the god king?
That question makes me wonder if someone is behind Meghan Markle, in an intelligence operation in setting this up. Remember that the CIA's Hillary Clinton came out in support of Meghan Markle as has the wokesters.

I believe there is enough voice in this, that Meghan Markle is some creation like Barack Hussein Obama, a creation of the 1%. If you listen to Harry, he even admits that Meghan directs all he should say.

We know from British television programs mimicking Harry, that he has been known for years having a fetish for Negroes.

Harry is either a Manchurian, or in his psychotic misbehavior, he hates Prince Charles and blames him for the break up of the marriage and for Diana being dead. If this is not the 1%, then Harry found a soul mate of destruction to destroy the Monarchy. Meghan by literally destroying the Queen, Charles, William and the 3 children, that means they would be dead, then her Archie will be king.

This is planned out and deliberate, where these wokesters have backing from some intelligence group, remember Hillary Clinton and the CIA / FBI funded BLM supporting Meghan, and all of these 1% financial groups, the NSA globalist Silicon Valley backing this duo, there is a pattern in this that an organized group is going after the British Monarchy, and their trillion dollar purse.

Something is going on here, and it is coordinated. With all this pedo cult taking place, and illuminated cults, it is possible that Meghan Markle is some kind of Semiramis, put into Harry's bed, playing on his revenge, in order to put this forbidden seed of those behind this, into power on the throne of Christ, the throne of King David.



Didn't know much about royal family - You must insult them more.

Never looked up my husband online - and I'll see you in the dirt

Do you know how to curtsy - They jerk with the honey (She believes that being taught to be polite is beneath her.)

The narratie with Kate did not happen - Smash everyone

I always was oustpoken of women's rights - You're the sluts, and I see a war.

How dark his skin will be - Now makes it god

The protection of Archie needs security - I'm making my mess, I know it.

Protection and security - Makes a god my husband (Archie)

I hated to admit it - Her fussy soul

I didn't want to be alive - Home in a valley

Yes this is very clear about suicide - You rave with it

Royals who can support the Queen - Wish to shatter Queen

We discussed this - Cutting your women.(Telling Harry she wants all the women gone, the Queen.)

I was working hard to look things up - But I got time kill.

What they're told - Lost their power


The race element - Meghan said all I say

Our change of status - Doesn't money help

History repeating itself - Poor season hurts the soul

I will always love my dad - The bastard I fall


Mixed race - See our skins and we suck it (She plays the race card.)

Relationship with your father -Your love here wasn't shallow.

Did the same group who created Birther Hussein and installed Birther Kamala to rule America, created Meghan Markle and she is not a wife, she is on a mission.

She is producing the required second child to secure the throne. Nostradamus said something about a Harry being kidnapped by Muslims, who Meghan is cozy with. Is there some globalist plot to Guy Fawkes the Royal Family and leave only Meghan and her quadroons to acquire the throne?

Maybe you leave London, knowing that the all those in the palace will face a final solution from a Biden Putin war in Europe. 

The 1% stuck America with Birthers Obama and Harris, so why not quadroon Meghan and her quads to rule England.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
