Friday, March 19, 2021

No Standing Eight Count for Pedo Joe Biden


Tripping is allowed Kid Pedo in fights with stairs.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In his last bout with the stairs of Air Force One, Pedo Joe, went down twice, and in the rematch today, the stairs were reading and put Kid Pedo down three times.

Under WPB (World Pedo Boxing) Rules there are no standing eight counts, but Kid Pedo didn't need it as he stumbled on to be knocked down. WPB rules do state though that if Biden goes down for the 4th time that he will forfeit the title.

In seriousness which no one is addressing but this blog, Kamala Harris is a Birther. She is NOT natural born. She can not be President. There are some questions now in Nancy Pelosi's birth status as her parents were both immigrants, and if they were not Americans when she was born, she is a birther too.

Joe Biden is what the 1% intended to install. I'm telling you again, that he is not going away into the night. I have inquired of this and I'm hesitant to reveal anything of what is going to take place. Maybe I will, maybe I won't place anymore than I have, but this is going to be more complicated than anyone has even suspected.

Here is Pedo Joe, the resident sometimes of the White House as he lives in Delaware.

Nuff Said
