Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Amerikan Putsch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Navy Chaplain Spoke With FBI About Protest At Capitol, What Happened Next Is Terrifying…

Gayway Pundit and Patty McMurray featured Navy Chaplain Pressley Stutts who is the face for the Erasure of Americans in this neo Amerikan Putsch. I will do the short story on Chaplain Stutts.

Stutts and friends, listened to the President's speech, and then moved toward the Capitol. By the time they arrived, the barriers were down, and the one police officer waved them in. They moved up the steps which were crowded. He witnessed the scaffolding, but saw it was swaying and knew not to climb it. The crowd pressed in and actually lifted him off his feet. Upon all of this, Chaplain Stutts told his friends they needed to leave as he was concerned the scaffolding would fall on them.

So Stutts returned to Carolina, was phoned up by the radio host there, and gave a report. His Congressgender heard the interview and phoned up the Chaplain and asked him to talk to an FBI friend of his, to report what he has witnessed, as there were chants of NO ANTIFA, in ANTIFA was breaking in.

The FBI interviewed him, too the statement and after 20 minutes, they started grilling him about entering the Capitol and if he knew anyone who had entered the Capitol. The FBI would not tell him if he was under investigation, and with their going silent, the Chaplain said the interview was over, and if more questions had to be answered, he would have an attorney.

All was silent from the FBI.

Then the Chaplain was provided air travel by a group to attend their meeting in Florida. When he got to the check in, his boarding pass would not come up. The gal at the check in took 20 minutes trying to verify who he was which was odd. She cleared him and then he went to the check in, and the red light went off. They pulled him out of line, searched all he had and swabbed. The put him in the x ray lines twice, then they searched him again. The plane was held up, and when he got to this connection flight, they searched him again.

In Florida, the process was repeated on the return, and this time, they searched a friend of his too who was speaking with him. There were TSA agents meeting the flights at the gate, and they informed him there would be more of this taking place.

The Chaplain has heard that attendees at CPAC are now being delayed too in these genital patting searches.

To repeat, this Chaplain spoke to the FBI willingly to help out at the request of a Congressgender, and by speaking to them, he is now on a list, and he is on a priority list in the several degrees people are listed on. His life is going to be hell from this point on, and I hope like Lara Loomer he is not stupid enough to travel out of the country as he may never get back in.

Chaplain Stutts experience is of interest, as while everyone is focusing on the FBI hunting down people who were not violent, now numbering in Merrick Garland's DOJ to around 300 and promised to grow in scope, the real story in this is the lists. There is an order, and it came down from William Barr's DOJ against Republicans, to place everyone who was at the US Capitol on a domestic terror list. There is no such name for it, but that is pending for Biden's domestic terror destruction of rights in America. If the FBI can not trump up charges in dangerous crutches and batons, it appears like Pressley Stutts that they are putting everyone on a list, and that will include the "no buy on firearms list" or weeks being kept in limbo for trying to buy a firearm.

I noticed that in the reporting here on what Sara Carter had reported that the FBI was taking people's credit card and cell phone  data, and would not answer if they had a warrant or if this was illegally turned over to the FBI.
The reason this is important is the last indictment I reviewed on Freddie Klein, there was a real FBI agent named in it, and he stated they had obtained a warrant AFTER Klein had been fingered by several snitches.

The reason that is vital is once it was made public by Carter, and this blog noting that it appeared paid agents of the FBI who were spying on Americans were filing indictments, the FBI has begun covering it's tracks and claiming that people's rights have not been violated to make cases.

I know that the above case of the Chaplain is policy to harass people. Obama did it to the Tea Party by sending the IRS after that group. This list though is going to be interesting in the abuse of power it will unleash. Will Stutts have his credit cards cancelled? Will the IRS come after him? Will the Navy now being woke court martial him and put him into prison for obeying a police officer to climb the Capitol steps.

This is just the start.

I have mentioned after my interview with the fine people of Homeland in September of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord Presidential race, where they were asking me about things that remote viewer Dick Allgire from Rense was dealing with, that in purchasing two firearms, it took around 15 minutes for the ATF agent to read the file and allow the purchase of a pink 22 single shot. When I used to purchase firearms I was cleared with my unique name as fast as the information was entered. You get on a list out of now fault of your own, and politics will make your life hell. The last firearms I purchased, in a cowboy gun, I was cleared again as fast as the computer logged in. So I'm either off the list or am no longer a priority, as telling people to behave, not get into trouble and to pay there taxes in not being violent is something no one should  be on a list for, and yet there is Chaplain Pressley Stutts being made an example of by the GOPliters and their cohorts in Bidencon.

I could care less about flights as I do not fly. In fact, since TL and got out of the metro, we have not been 20 miles from home in in five years. Too busy working in trying to get donations and tending animals. I never did like travelling and I don't need to go find shitty people as I have enough shitty people around here in the brier patch.

What this blog warned of in Richmond's gun rally in that bogus state of emergency which collected all the cell and credit card information there, the FBI has every phone and card swipe in the entire DC area. That is all one big list to run other lists into.

I thought it was odd to day that sites were not existent which exist like Yahoo. I remarked to TL that maybe the FBI Stingray drone was grabbing the signal and not sending it as I wonder about covering these events and asking questions here as in a Chaplain being harassed after cooperating, what the sweep is looking for and yes, those lists are being compared and as the charges become more expansive, you might ask a Chaplain for a prayer and the FBI tagging his phone will tag your phone and begin seeing what else you are tagged to.

Just remember that everyone is separated by 1 to 7 degrees of separation.  It is a small world and these Merrick Garland and FBI sweeps are going to make it a great deal smaller. For those idiots who turned in their mother or spouses, just remember that your names is their name, and you go into the known associates list, so petty revenge has it's huge price.

This is the Amerikan Putsch.

Nuff Said

