Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Magic Biden


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Over at American Thinker, Andrea Widburg, was noting that another Green Screen, released of Joe Biden has appeared, and this time part of Biden's head is missing, and his hands pass through solid objects.

This was an expert's explanation of how green screen works and the shoddy work done here.

The two fuzzy mics were put in post. It's very hard to pull a clean matte for fuzzy objects. Usually, you simply create them in CG and put them after the fact. These look like they were shot against a blue or green screen and not backlit as you would normally do to intensify and sharpen the details of the edges. The spatial geometry is absurd. The mics go underneath than [sic] over Biden's hand. Real amateur job. They appear in the foreground on both camera angles, allegedly from two different cameras.  How would that be possible?

It was a very poor job on all fronts. I could write a full page of criticism but it's so obvious why bother. My son does better rotoscoping on his school film projects.

The question is why on earth would some news organization go to the trouble? IMO, the rest of the image is real. The hot light on the top of Biden's white hair is simply a photographic anomaly that clipped the image and made the top of his head look cut off.

To answer my own question — asking "Why bother?" — the only answer I can come up with is that the sound man was eating a donut at craft service and missed Biden's appearance. The boys in post-production tried to cover for him and took the sound feed from some other news organization and haphazardly comped in the mics. But that sounds preposterous so who knows.

The question of "Why Bother", is what stymies one dimensional thinkers. Do you remember what was done to Americans in the Kennedy assassination? How about the dozen major events like Sandy Hook, which are just Obama scewy in Michell's fast ass appears and disappears like Obama's mole.

Now it is Joe Biden, dump trucks outside the forested Oval Office, and his hands passing through mics. Remember Birther Hussein Obama's birth abstract had a smiley face on it, and it was all about a big FU to people. It is done to make you doubt things, question things, and when you do, you are labeled a conspiracy nut in the same CIA Mockingbird psyops to make you believe the Warren Commission Report.

American's senses have been mind raped or years. A real psychological molestation has been taking place after the set up on January 6th. The most ludicrous charges have come from US Attorney's involving police tape, wearing camo clothes, and dangerous crutches and batons. The overuse of domestic terrorist is all designed to make you react to this as the joke it is, and yet make it unfunny when the FBI appears with the cuffs.

Candace Owens had 10 friends harassed by the FBI. We are in Bidencon world and you should watch the events of Boulder Colorado, where a student is out picking up trash at his dorm, as part of his tuition program the way Ronald Reagan washed dishes to attend college. What takes place is insane as a cop approaches him, asks him his name, wants to know what he is doing there, asks his address, and the kid like most kids has no idea of the address of the dorm so looks at the door.

Boulder officer resigns, investigation complete after police try to detain

The cop calls in back up, as the kid gets fed up and says he is not going to tell him his birthday, and goes on picking up trash. The kid walks away, the cops follows and then to be a prick the cop tells officers approaching the kid as "blunt object" which is the trash stick which you could not hurt anyone with, so the kid keeps picking up trash, the cop draws his gun, as more cops role in. They try to get the kid to sit down and he won't, and he keeps yelling at the cops in why they are trying to murder him.

At this point an officer actually talks to some kids in the dorm who say the kid did live there. He tells the supervisor and other cops, the kid sets down the bucket and trash stick, the cops take it away, and the supervisor starts talking to the cop, and says, 'Let's de escalate this situation, as this kid has been identified."

The cop then says that he has not been told this by the kid, and then the cop shuts down his mic as the supervisor talks to him.

Thank God Boulder has some good police officers like the supervisor as this cop was not going to let this go. He was going to pound this kid with charges for not obeying his command to sit down, and everyone knew as the lawsuit will prove that this was a white cop profiling a black kid.

If this kid was on Capitol Hill, he would have been shot like Ashli Babbitt. If this kid pulled this on the FBI in showing up at his door, they would have the US Attorney calling him a domestic terrorist and never let him out of prison on bail.

So in all of this mindfucking going on with people, Obama smiley faces, do you really think that cops trained to trigger black kids or white MAGA, do not have the 1% writing the profile tests to get the right kind of people to do this, and that there is not someone who gets off on this as a joke in creating videos where Biden's hand passes through objects. Yes the forensic psychological reason is the mindfuck, but people who are hired to do this work, make good money doing it, and they enjoy fucking with people's minds, and know it is to keep and entire society off balance for the distraction purpose of other agendas taking place of keeping America overloaded as Anthony Fauci announces syringe rape of babies for the vax.

There is only so much of a car wreck that normal people can take, before they shut down. That is what Obama was about in a hundred actions a day against America, and what the Trump twitter storm was engaged in in overloading people emotionally for years. It was a perfect psychological set up, for January 6th, and that patsy Pedo Joe Biden is the daily nut house mind rape in people watch this dying perv about kill himself stumbling up steps. (If you missed the reality, Biden really hurt himself in he tore skin off his shin and was bleeding, as he was still limping into the jet. He hit his shoulder and head hard,) It is all to tear your minds in opposite directions as normal people do not allow people the love who are elderly to be abused like this.

There is a reason for it. America fanatical nut house. As an example, when I was I school, as part of our psychology courses, we were taken on a trip to visit a state facility for the mentally incapacitated and insane. It was an unsettling experience, as in the men's ward the girls all huddled together and in the women's ward, the boys all huddled together, as you never knew what was going to sneak up on you or happen.
We witnessed the extremes. I remember an Indian, whose development was at under 3 years old, who would just begin screaming in some language which the first time made you jump out of your skin, and there was Rain Man there too, a kid who approached us, asked where we were from and he immeidately started telling us about our sports teams better than we knew them. He was an idiot savant and was perfectly normal when the genius of statistics was the conversation, otherwise he was low IQ.

Unless you have been raised in uncertainty, abuse, torture and survived it, you really have a great deal of problems in "ignoring" information which is insane and is being ordered to you as real. Most people either go violent or they shut down to zombie. The national disconnect is in completion and numbers of you will have your safe space infringed upon like Obamacare in the vax orders. You will find out what it is like to be in the gulag, what millions of American inmates deal with daily. You will have people reporting you and you will be hunted. This is not just a condition of those on the right. Sarah Silverman of the liberals has had it with the Pelosi lies and Biden promises. Bill Maher suffered from Trump Derangement, but has trade one mind game for another and he does not like it either.

There will not be any time outs, or reprieves in this. It will only accelerate. What must be done is mental discipline, to not react. you base your focus upon something. I base mine on Jesus Christ as the absolute, and when they tell me Jesus was a spaceman and we are star seed in God does not exist, I will believe the Bible as I nod in agreement with what they say like the East German Lutherans did with communism.

The 1% will continue to  provide fodder for your mind in the Magic Biden. You now understand why it is obvious. Uncertainty, so find certainty and reside there in your mental landscape.

Nuff Said
