Monday, March 8, 2021

The Race War Coronavirus Vax


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The source on this is Jeff Rense, who stated that the mRNA vaccine suppresses the genes which neutralize tumor growth. Tumors can be both cancerous and benign, but the point is, these growths in the body have a natural suppressant and that is being altered by this vax. I believe the source was Sloane Kettering.

Into this, Rense also quoted the Vice President of Zambia, Dr. Nevers Mumba who as has been a strong protagonist against the safety of this virus, who states he discovered in the batch of vax which appeared in Zambia, labels which read, NOT FOR USE IN THE EU OR USA.

That would conclude that there are difference vaxes for different races. Dr. Mumba has rejected these vaxes as no one is explaining why when were are all humans, why this spike protein is going to different races in White Christians and Black Africans.

The admission is that this vax changes DNA in the human body. The more time which passes as Dr. Fauci now has the vax being tested on NEW BORNS, which is purely Dr. Mengele, in this becomes more macabre every day.

Bill Gates admits Covid-19 vaccine changes DNA - The ...

By John O'Sullivan. NEW YORK-(MaraviPost)-A disturbing video of Bill Gates has emerged of him boasting about how his "incredible" COVID19 vaccine - which "has to go to 7 billion people" and containing something new - "instructions in the code" - will change our DNA. Beyond any doubt the vaccines developed and launched to fight the novel coronavirus are composed of ...

I only hope that 75% of the US Soldiers are not taking this vax, that the Republican White and Black Soldiers are going to leave the service rather than be force vaxed as there is not any need for this vax with effective treatments out there.

75% Of US Troops Refused Taking COVID-19 Vaccine Says ...

Even the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said that COVID-19 vaccines will change your DNA and that he does not know what would be its long-term effects. Recently, even the former Vice President of ZambiaDr. Nevers Mumba declared that COVID-19 vaccines made by foreign manufacturers should not be injected into any Zambians if it cannot be ...

Dr. Sherri Tennpenny states that this vax will set off an auto immune response when it contracts any Coronavirus. Now we have proof that it will enable tumor growth and this vax is designed for different races.

There are warnings signs all over this vax to not have it injected into your bodies.

Nuff Said
