Monday, March 1, 2021

To Fondle Women's Breasts and Play with Rush Limbaugh's Corpse


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a piece on dead Rush Limbaugh and his liberal lynch ghouls of the Limbaugh corpse by Conrad Black on the CIA leftist rag, National Review, in the focus was on Al Franken's guest editorial in the New York Daily News..........I doubt even New Yorkers read that piece as that is a long way to fall from Senator Al to the New York Post, and upon reading Franken in toto, I was amazed at how bad of writer Al Franken is.

When you compose a piece, it is supposed to go somewhere, in a combining thought which sows things up for the reader from beginning to end. Franken starts out with stating Limbaugh sowed the seeds of FOX News and Donald Trump, and, ends with Qanon. But in the Qanon charge, Franken goes Jewish in blood sucking pedophiles (Jewish mythology calls her Lilith) and that Jewish lasers started the California wildfires.

Franken who is Ashkenaz Jewish did not mention that Rupert Murdoch is a Jew in condemning him as Limbaugh's satan seed, but Limbaugh is being smeared and blamed for Qanon's manifestation.

On the way to Qanon, Franken drags the Limbaugh corpse through the mud in deliberately confusing satire based in fact for journalism. Woven into this are the leftist talking points of sexism, homophobia and whatever charge they make up for weaklings who can not take credit for their failings as humans, in wanting everyone to approve of bitchy women and faggy men.

From what I have gleaned in facts, which Franken is void of, is that the CIA in William Casey created Rush Limbaugh as a political wing in ABC Cap Cities to counter the comrades who have been funded by the CIA in Mockingbird. A sort of Socio Nazi Conglomerates against the Military Industrial Complex which sort of are the same mule rode by the same 1%.

In reality, Rush Limbaugh did not sow the seeds of FOX. That was insider Newt Gingrich bringing in an MI6 Thatcher Jew who would later turn on Conservatives once his media empire was fingered for spying for the wrong branch of MI6 in London. FOX is like all the CIA and MI6 cults of propaganda in being anti American.
As for sowing Donald Trump. Limbaugh did nothing but ridicule Trumpsters for Big Koch, another oligarch group. The short is Limbaugh was a snake oil hireling like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. He was scripted like all are to control a market share group, just like AOC speaks for her CIA control group. Limbaugh was Boomer oldster and could never break out to the Genocide Generation. Trump was a DIA manufacture to move on the Nationalist or Populist movements which were anti Globalist.

Murdoch hated Donald Trump as much as Koch loathed Donald Trump. None of these people had anything more in common than AOC, Pedo Joe or these other leftist Bush fam groups have in common with each other, save they all come out of the CIA payroll. Al Franken is the same CIA prostitute, he got his money from NBC, which was General Electric, which was CIA deep money driven.
The thing is Franken though was the mirror image of Limbaugh, as where Limbaugh connected with his trollish audience, Franken took the job of trying to be Limbaugh, as others had like that miserable  Ed Schultz out of North Dakota. Franken like Alec Baldwin failed behind the mic, failed behind being an author, failed at satire and failed at being anything liberals wanted to be around.

The 1% never did get it's money's worth from Franken. The reality is like Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsome, Franken was expendable. See Franken signed up to be Hillary Clinton's attack dog in the Senate, which promised in beating up on Donald Trump, the Vice Presidency, as Joe Biden beat up Lawrence Sinclair for Barack Hussein Obama. Franken's problem was he signed up with the wrong whore, in the 1% do not like Hillary Clinton and will not let her be President. So Hillary's Senate dog was taken out by the 1% when Franken thought it was funny to make a victim of LeAnn Tweeden, who fought back and revealed the disgusting facts of what a loathsome pervert Al Franken is.

Franken like all liberals actually thinks they are chosen because they are more intelligent than every one else. That is the difference in Limbaugh and these mic heads, in they never go past their solitary confinement as they know they would be chewed up in debate. Franken though in his Stepford cocktail crowd of agreeing bullies, thinks he is gifted, when if one bothers to read his reasoning, he is extremely limited in ability.

So that is the epitaph of Al Franken. The CIA paid for his bills and did not get their money worth. The 1% rid itself of him as he chose to crawl up the vaginal canal of Hamrod Clinton. In his end, he is posting things in the New York Daily News, which no one reads, as they needed someone to necrophile Limbaugh for their creds to elevate Limbaugh in death, as he was failing the last decade at the EIB.

Think of it, Al Franken was on NBC, Saturday Night Live. He was the toast of liberals. He signed up to be Limbaugh Left anf failed. He moved on to be Senator, but only got it by Bush fam helping to steal the seat from Jewish Norm Coleman. After all that fame, perv Franken is now defending the Jewish name against terrorism and from being blood sucking pedophiles..........all in the arm pit of the New York Daily News.

You probably missed the punch line in this, but Al Franken did not. He was trotted out to have ghoul sex with Limbaugh's famous corpse, because Joe Biden's 1% did not want him. Even with democrats in absolute control of Congress, Joe Biden did not want him anywhere near his regime.
With all the "brilliance" of Al Franken, not one offer to be a Secretary. No ambassadorship, no Judgeship, not even a committee to rebuild his sewer career.

Just think of it in how shit hole Al Franken has become. In order to even get in the door, he has to do a hit piece on a corpse, which exposed how Biden brain that Franken is, and as he scratches at the doors of power to be let in, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been ordered along with everyone else to not let this perv in.

Yes the 1% has a long memory, and when you chose to be Hamrod Clinton's attack dog, and they do not like Hamrod, you put a leash on Al, in making him make a fool of himself with promises of things to come, and they you sit in your 1% rooms and amuse yourself in how you order these wetware to bend over and they beg you to sodomize them in print.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

