As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
McCONNELL: US Taxpayers Should NOT Be Paying Benefits to Americans Who Refuse to Work ∞ hannity
Here are some things Mitch McConnell seems to have overlooked in what Americans should not be paying money to that Mitch McConnell and John Thune do pour money into.
America should not be paying money to foreign invaders, nor to housing them in hotels, flying them around the country inf 737's, nor to Catholic, Lutheran and Jewish charities for this human traffick.
Americans should not be paying money for a police state to hunt them down.
Americans should not be paying money for the NSA to spy on them.
Americans should not be paying money to the aborticide industry.
Americans should not be paying money to woke children to be sexual freaks.
Americans should not be paying money to millionaire Congressgenders.
Americans should be paying money to ex Presidents who are millionaires.
Americans should not be paying retirement to federal employees.
Americans should not be funding special medical care for Congress, Supreme Court and the President.
Americans should not be funding a woke military.
Americans should not be paying money to arm federal employees from gopher police to the post office.
Americans should not coerced into paying income tax when America was founded on taxing only imports.
Americans should not be paying money to rich farmers, rich billionaires in Silicon Valley, rich bankers, rich green energy tycoons, oil barons or industry in subsidies.
Here is what Lame Cherry wants as a Federal Law. ANYONE from the President to an FBI Agent in order to get their 50 thousand dollar a plus year salary, has to once a week, pick up dog or cat shit, scrub a toilet and change some geezer's shit pants in a nursing home once a week.
Mitch McConnell is always cracking the whip, and the GOPliters are always bitching about people not sweating to earn a wage, and as these GOPliters let in all of these invaders and have been robbing Americans for the rich in inflation, America needs a basic federal requirement law, that in order to be a federal employee you have to clean up shit three times a week for some American family.
This means also that the FBI or anyone can not come into someone's home and gather evidence as what is between an Americans' shit and the police state is off limits for prosecution.
If these feds wages, then let them scoop, wipe up and scrub shit for every American family.
Just start asking your Congressgenders if they will support the Federal Worker's Act.
Nuff Said