Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The AUKUS Ocean of Nuclear Salted War


As an Australian, I trust the dictatorships in Washington and London,
to protect the dictatorship in Australia, in the twilight's gleaming of nuclear glow.

China Plans To Launch Experimental Reactor
That May Revolutionise Atomic Energy Industry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The silence of Russia on the world stage has revealed a deal has been made between Moscow and the Europeans, to close ranks for a coming war in which the 1% have pitted the Dictatorship Biden against the communist Chinese.

In what has only been focused on by Rense, the reality is the old betrayal of New Zealand of the United States and United Kingdom during the Cold War in siding with the Soviets has ushered in a glaring reality of the evolved United States policy of war.

The United States for it's entire existence has relied upon the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean for it's Ocean Fortress Defense. Only the British were ever successful in projecting power in war against the Americans, and now the fall back position is the basis of the Water Wall in which England, Australia and America will fight the next war, trusting in the distance of water.

The International Socialists which rule the UK, US and Oz are based yet in fossil fuels and debt dollars, China has taken American technology in Thorium Reactors and begun to wean itself not only from the dollar, but from oil. This kind of liberty will not be allowed as China engulfs the world, and the old Anglo American alliance has expanded to the dictatorship of Australia for a war which will be fought behind the ocean of space, air and water.

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Deal Not A 'Betrayal,'
UK Defence Minister Says, As French Cut Out Of
Lucrative Military Contract

China Accuses US Of Intensifying Arms
Race By Creating AUKUS

New Zealand Being Left Out Of AUKUS Shows
Canberra, Wellington 'Going In Very Different Directions'

Moscow Expects Canberra To Comply With
Obligations As Nuclear-Free Country - Diplomat


The Stunning Betrayal Of France By America
Over Nuclear Subs For Australia Signals A Huge
Geopolitical Shift In US Strategy

France Mulling Compensation Claim As Australia
Pulls Out Of Submarine Contract Worth Billions,
Favoring UK & US Partners

EU Not Informed About New US, UK & Australia
Alliance, Plans 'To Assess Implications'

The Lame Cherry is reminded of George Patton stating that the French Maginot Line was a monument to human stupidity. Fixed fortresses can not protect, and the ocean fortresses are not a sound protection any more in this world of long range nuclear projections of power including Chicom Obama Wuhan germ warfare.

The center of this is AUKUS, the new Anglo Alliance of Royal Rothschild Dictatorships. Australia was to purchase from Europe / France a fleet of submarines to deal with Chinese projections of power. Instead Dictator Biden has scrapped this fleet and will sell nuclear powered submarines to Australia. While these are said to be non nuclear, that is a fiction in all weapons in the arsenal can be converted. Australia in a few years, and probably too late in the war which comes, is to be stalking shark destroying all Chinese shipping, and, a Chinese invasion of Australia which would be part of the Peking strategy as was Japanese strategy in the 1940's, which was thwarted at the Battle of Coral Sea.

China without shipping trade, will be forced to ship overland, which again is a vulnerable choke point as the Silk Road is the narrow passes of Afghanistan. These passes can be clogged daily with long range bombing, so China can indeed be strangled in being landlocked.

This AUKUS mirrors what this blog has stated in the silence of Russia means something. Russia now holds the cards. Russia is allied with Berlin and Paris. This axis is leaning toward being neutral, or as this Lame Cherry has stated, Russia will feign support for Chinese invasions and then fail to appear on scene against the Americans or British.

This ocean wall appears sound, until another Fauci Germ Plague appears or China projects enough of a fighting force in it's immigrants littering Australia and the United States and in complete control of Canada. The Chinese 5th column is a real threat, more than their Navy. Their PLA army though is a Catch 22 in it can be drawn out and killed. China must project first into the Mideast, Muslim Asia out of necessity, and that resource of oil protected. China does not have until 2050 to achieve it's results as it's population will be aged and dying by that year. China must move soon, sooner than the Australian sub force will probably be ready.

The United States dictatorship has drawn the line in the water. It will be the Anglo Dictators against the Chicoms with the EuroRussians neutral.

It all works out on paper, until China deploys WMD's and the 1% turn the power off in the United States.

China as this blog has reported is in the last stages of releasing strategic reserves. It has been pressured to do this by 1% forces.

All is in play now and it will not stop.

Glenn explained why he believes a major collapse that is happening now in China will have a cascading effect into a “controlled collapse,” a managed decline that will dramatically change America’s economy and the way we all live.

Nuff Said
