As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Not going into details as there is not a point, but HAARP as detailed here, is making war on the Saxon diet.
From a river of air moving east west a few days ago HAARP changed in the Califorina water bomb to a direct south to north flow, tapping the Gulf moisture.
The target in this is corn, but more importantly the sugar beets and potatoes, which are the main diet of the Germans, Norwegians Swedes who settled the interior of America. This is a Protestant Christian or anti Lutheran weather attack upon food supply in the last vestige of Americans.
Fascinating as the 1% has been engaged in this for a number of years, including how to contain nuclear fall out in this region.
Yes 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, ruined the Saxon bread wheat supply promoted the Chicom soybeans, is holding corn as hostage and is rotting potatoes and sugar beets in the fields.
The genocide starvation of a Christian people.
Nuff Said
Oh once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, for you brilliant non donors as your government sources will not tell you this and all of your alt geniuses have no idea of God things in what this extermination is really about.
Nuff Said
I'm adding this to the post on Wednesday afternoon as this HAARP monster just keeps on giving. You can see how this thing started, how it was switched in flow, how it destroyed on the Plains, but the tail of this was most interesting to me as in Richard and Stephanie's Texas, I noticed a slight rotation beginning on Tuesday night, and that tail took off on Wednesday into Mississippi and Alabama, while the rest of this torrent remained over the plains.
Look at what this HAARP monster cut loose as this blog stated on the projection in the corn belt from Iowa and Illinois east. This is a massive cyclone that is even sucking moisture back out of Canada. Never see things like this, but then this is to genocide the food group of a race or Protestant Germanic Saxons.
This weather is hell when it sits on you for 24 hours pounding away. I will remind you that the rotation for this was over the Mississippi Alabama line last night. It is now rotating in Missouri, where it could not be, and the front line in Texas yesterday morning is now in the Carolinas. This is the biggest hurricane on record, as that is what a cyclone is, and this thing is now by HAARP going after corn, beets and potatoes deluging half the United States.
Just look at the evidence. Nature can not do this. A few days ago a storm out of the north Pacific was deluging California and a west east flow pattern had set up from California to Pennsylvania. Two days later the river of air was from Texas to Saskatchewan boiling north. One day later a massive cyclone emerged with the center in Missouri when it was in Alabama just 12 hours previous.
What is troubling for me, is I did not think that HAARP could change a west east flow pattern in 36 hours to a south north flow. Again, HAARP can not change solar patterns in wet and dry on the earth, but it sure as hell can rip and rape the atmosphere and deliver evil upon the world. This storm is covering half a continent in a day. Hurricanes cover a state and are deemed remarkable.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said