As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I for one have been intrigued over the giggling school frau that Erica Khan has become on the Rense program and how her lead has taken Jeff Rense to areas where he is attacking Dr. Carrie Madej and others as their evidence is not enough in the critters in the vax, as Rense now wants them in all vaxes as proof, where before the mere speculation from online comments was featured as fact.
For some reason Eric Kahn is fixated on contamination from outside sources. To hear her, one would think that Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are based in a malaria swamp, where employees toss in the town garbage, as every bed pan in the county is added as filler to the vaccines they produce. Is there quality control problems in labs? Evidence says there is, but the way this narrative from Kahn is running is just over the top.
Moe over the top is Khan has repeated several times in charges that this vax creature is mind control, aimed at Dr. Madej.
There is a great deal of Edward Lansdale clever in what is appearing on the Rense segment with Khan. Khan keeps saying that this is a hydra, and that a hydra can't live in this vax soup. That is a bit more than what the people who discovered this are saying. The Polish Geologist who Khan keeps giggling over in contempt, when is degree is the hard science one, compared to her basic biology one, is that this is an aluminum body with carbon feet. That is not life as we know it, and it would survive any normal conditions.
In all of this Rense and Khan have not altered that the vax is not to be taken, but they are focused on the biology alone. This is the intrigue as to why as the vax is bad, what difference does it make if hysteria reigns to save people from further injections as that is the point. Yet the focus of Rense and Khan is that creature in telling you it does not exist and it is not there.
Why is that?
I will ask that again so you start thinking, "WHY IS THAT?"
The Lame Cherry has been studying at a glance the information on the "aliens" or demons and their biological creations, which are part of the Great Deception. I have featured a few Rense guests here which have been interesting. George Filer spoke if his Nordic experiences and his information seemed scientifically spot on. It was another researcher in aliens which caught my attention, and that person was telling the world that the Greys are benevolent.
For those who have no idea what Greys are, these clone lives matter things, have a history of raping girls and women, of hooking electrodes up to male testicles to get them to ejaculate, kidnapping people, terrifying people, and then years later showing people their hybrid children crossed with these demonic tissue Greys.
If you did what the Grey's did, you would be hung for Crimes Against Humanity, yet Jeff Rense offered to go along for the show if he got a spaceship ride.
The data does not add up to the propaganda, no more than the Grey's are now humanity's friends and not wanting us vaxed...........
It is their vax.
So what is going on here. Perhaps George Filer explained a little when he said all of these hybrids have been introduced into society in key positions. Jeff Rense has remarked like William Tompkins and Filer, that the Nordics were too beautiful to exist. How did Rense know this? Because his father worked at MacDonald Aircraft, where Filer did, meaning there is a demonic tissue tie to these people.
Who is the champion of the aliens and UFO's? Jeff Rense. He has always been a remarkably accomplished person, taking on Art Bell, and flourishing. In the Malheur Stand Off, he had Pete Santilli featured, who is Gayway Pundit connected, who Uncle Gordy outed as an FBI asset.
Odd how the Jews tried to end Jeff Rense's life, and yet others are linking him to the off book deep state which is running this rat maze.
It is time to take the quantum leap. That is from Rense as he dislikes people using quantum as they do not know it means small, and he ridicules the creature promoters for using the term nano particle, as they do not know what that is either. I do, but that is beside the point in physics, the small logical projection which Gerald Celente would take in his trends would look at this data of denial of the creature, the misrepresentation of the creature and those who have said what it is, and this odd reality that Eric Khan lives on the Rense program and she has zero problems unlike other ReVaxNiks, and Rense still stays on the air too with this interesting funding he receives, makes one deduce he is getting allot of help from some friends in the deep state, and the depths that this goes is to the aliens.
The Lame Cherry has stated that this creature looks exactly like the Greys. This is their baby. This would make sense why Rense and Khan are focused on hiding this baby and discounting it. It exists, therefore it exists for a purpose and looking like the Greys, it is serving their evolution of humans.
When I inquired, I found this was like an antennae in building a new nervous system, more durable in transhumans. The head is DNA implanted for a purpose and the carbon feet attack to tissue in carbon based people. Think of these things as brain cells and as they replicate they literally could do the thinking for those who are willing to agree. There appears enough information that those behind this do not want the ReVaxNiks or the Protestant Christians mutated. Making them immortal would be handing the keys to the order to them, and they could rise up in defiance, as satan did with God.
When Jeff Rense has an agenda, he is as skilled at using figurative propaganda as anyone in media. So why challenge those who speak of this creature and giggle them to ridicule, unless there is a greater cover up taking place as keeping people from being vaxed is the end game in this for those who want to protect humans. So why are Jeff Rense and Erica Kahn protecting this creature, which is in the vax, which looks like it came out of the same incubator as the Greys and is connecting into the human nervous system to hybridize it.
Richard Allgire is a gifted remote viewer, another Rense featured guest. The Lame Cherry has noted he is a Star Children or Great Deception advocate in we got here by space seed breeding and there is no God. Patterns begin emerging and that is setting off the red alerts.
This blog has posted it's wondering about Carrie Madej if she is another Mike Flynn Bible manipulator and why is she being allowed her wide platform along with others from the DIA on the Q Peters show. All of this is happening for a reason by those directing this. As long as Jeff Rense was spreading a narrative which was honest enough as Dr. Madej is, which protects stupid primates, then protection is the asset in this psyops warfare. When though someone starts providing cover for a creature in distracting with what is CIA propaganda, then the Trust and the Truth come to the forefront as those 10% lies are how the CIA which was not the CIA brought down nations.
Jeff Rense has always had his pendulum swings in doing good and then getting into cat fights, but he did very well from Trump until this time in promoting the alternative media to the police state line, which again is what the 1% desires, but it is what keeps people from hiding under their beds, which is necessary for Christians.
This defense of the creature and his following Erica Kahn around is a con job. It is far too clever and it is fighting a current which is useful to protect people. It is therefore serving something else, and that looks in this theater as the hybrids in who benefits.
You are going to start noticing things in the years ahead which you would never have believed was possible, and yet it will be fact. Do not lose site that humanity's DNA is being evolved and that the first evolved were the Greys in that breeding program which was raping humanity for the creation of the body of satan.
Just pay attention as you are being led out, as this blog warned, by those who you thought you could trust, and the 1% will use them as they have always done, even in Trump to pull the rug out from under you, after they have led you to no man's land.
Nuff Said