As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm going to hint at something that I picked up in flash reading this past August 2021 AD in the year of our Lord. I have told some people who needed to be warned, but am now going to discuss an item which I and numbers of people can not afford as I have before in a generator.
I will give you the basics and what you decide upon is your decision. I can tell you that numbers of people can feel something in the wind, as Sams Club sold out on generators and key generators are in short supply or have disappeared. People can sense something is out there past the horizon and are preparing for that series of events.
OK, if you can afford it, you will get a big generator in a 1000 plus watts. For most homes you want a running current of 5500. Forget about start up numbers as they really do not mean anything but short term load.
You can get buy with 4500, but if you have numbers of heavy things pulling load, like freezers, fridges and furnaces, it will trip and shut down.
These generators are not and I repeat NOT weeks on end power generators. I have seen idiot farmers hook them up and act like all is normal, and burn them out in days. That is expensive, so your best solution is the one which is work and wears you out. That is to cool your fridge or freezer down every 3 days, and if you have fuel furnaces to either run them during the day, and shut things down at night and just deal with the cold, unless it is below zero.
Hence why we worked ourselves hard last year in building a chimney, digging like gophers in our cellar to get in a wood stove set up. I drive around and see all these natural gas pumps on houses and envious 2 dollar a gallon fuel this winter and all of these pisses have nothing to offset, like my prick sisters who have electric heat pumps, which are off when the electricity is off and no chimney to get any kind of heat generating in their homes. I have been cold, almost died of it at 20 below for 8 days. Takes a long time to get your temperature back up after shit like that.
So are two small generators better than one big one? Yes if that is all there is. They still need fuel, need outside ventilation so they so not shut off from carbon dioxide sensors and they still need fuel.
There is great benefit in a dual fuel of propane and gas. More expensive though. The one thing I do not recommend is electric start. That is one more thing to go wrong I prefer a pull start as it is Keep It Simple Stupid.
For starting, do not expect it to start if it is cold outside. Maybe you should have some sense to have your generator garage warm, where maybe you have a propane heater keeping it warmer so the engine will be warm and the oil is not sludge.
So I probably will get more specific in what is being planned. I checked last night and I got the same time line, not as profane in the brier patch, but all the same one less thing than someone who is in need of donations, while rich people sit on their piles of cash to their hell judgment, would rather not have to deal with. It all is part of culling the herd though.
So it is SHTF, and I'm giving you a survival lesson in generators. Even rich people who horde money to their doom probably can figure this projection out, I can tell you though this is NOT what you have been brainwashed in expecting. This is something different.
So it probably comes down to people should maybe get a fat woman to keep warm or a generator. You decide which is the lesser expense.
Hey a fat woman would live for months without food, but a generator has to be fed daily.
Nuff Said