Sunday, October 17, 2021

Stagflation Dictator Biden - Stagflation Asstard Carter


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hear a number of these embed juveniles tossing the term around STAGFLATION. They reveal what government paid fools they are, as thy have no conception of what took place under Jimmy Carter.

Yes Jimmy Carter produced a stagnant economy, based on the Rockefeller Kissinger model, of the oil dollar, which President Richard Nixon attempted to deal with in price controls, and the stellar work of Donald Rumsfeld and his advisor, Milton Friedman, who were rooting out the McNanamara Kennedy Johnson, Keynesian Economy of managed misery.

This was this was the start of the fake oil shortages.

Oil prices were rising from 26 cents a gallon. Interest rates on bank loans were 23%. CD's were paying 8% on five year bonds. Prices were rising in inflation at about 25% a month on manufactured goods at the end of the Carter regime.

The United States was in such a precarious position that there would have been a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

If you bother to review, since the Bush fam shipped all the jobs over to Asia, and Bill Clinton destroyed the unions in America, America has been in stagflation in rigged numbers since George HW Bush made money cheap for the elite, so they could openly rob Americans in massive debt.

Barack Obama birthed the Super Depression. The United States has never recovered nor the world from this.

Donald Trump did NOTHING, but reward conglomerates with money being returned to America on low tax rates as Donald Trump kept Obama's super taxes high on the 99%.

This is what Joe Biden inherited. The US economy was already stagnant. It is now in collapse. It is not a service economy as HW Bush set up, but a SLAVE ECONOMY exactly as the Nazi's built in Germany in the last world war. The slaves are invaders and the manufacturing instead is in Asia.

The planned biological warfare turned economic warfare by the 1% is a success as "shortages" are another device to rob people of their supplies. A real President would have sent the US military to unload all those container ships and put them on private trucks to end this farce, but the Dictator is not interested in solving problems, just creating them. The 1% are using your money to buy up massive weapons and supplies for a future tense meltdown and war, where it will be blamed for cropping populations and the reason for stuffing people into camps.

Interest rates are not spiking as under Jimmy Carter. Inflation is spiking in key consumer sectors, but this is not market oriented but by design in this collapse. Unlike with Carter, there is not going to be a Ronald Reagan to save Americans. There is a Great Eurasian War planned and it will happen as events proceed. Inflation is a weapon to gain control of what is left of America, mainly the land and property. No one can afford property, so it will be annexed by Wall Street in this swindle. That will end the United States as it will herd everyone into containment cities and the conglomerates will produce whatever food supply the immortals crave.

So while the Lame Cherry has used the term stagflation, what Dictator Biden is involved in, is not stagnant nor is inflation due to costs. Instead the world economy is collapsing and the cost are contrived in fake shortages, propped up by the Dictator's high energy costs to break the people's last monetary might, as the shortages force them to use up all of their supplies. The 1% has this all factored out and fully understands the time which will be required for this. I suspect when personal supplies are depleted halfway that there will be a seizure at source of grains, commodities, livestock to not allow a black market resupply. I would estimate this would be linked to a central bank crypto, which will be only how those will be able to buy and sell.

The correct term for this is DISOLUTION, a word which does not exist. Disolution would mean a dissolving of the economy as it collapses like the 9 11 towers which were pulled. This is a devolution or devolving of structures where measures like inflation which are meant to keep economies in check, have been weaponized to rob people with fake shortages and which raise inflationary prices.

That 9 11 towers being pulled is the image of what is taking place economically. Those involved on the inside of this are part of an avalanche. Those close if this was a sinking ship would be sucked down in the undertow. There is a new system being deliberately employed by the 1% for complete control of every penny, which controls all competitors and once this is implemented no one will be able to garden or pick weeds to eat, as your intake will be recorded and violating that will be a challenge to the system, which will erase the structures of Bible and Constitution.

In economic ways, things are better in Biden Stagflation for now than under Jimmy Carter as the market forces were engaged in causing problems. Those forces are not at work any longer, and the problem is now this engineered disolution which will produce the perfect Nimrod dictatorship by design.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

