As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I wanted to share this pertinent information from Jeffry, because even though I'm not into crypto, I also am one of those people who has castigated the gold and silver traders for the problems associated with the hauling around bags of silver and trying to "trade" a piece of gold, as when people who have things see you have that, they will want the whole ounce, and leave your brains on the pavement when you argue.
Jeffry makes sense, and yes if I had, had some money at the start of crypto, I would have invested, but my world is one of I need to put things toward an old junk tractor to cut wood as in the middle of nowhere there is not anyone to call to save you. You have to figure things yourself.
This is the quote:
I know that you speak of crypto currencies as something that will be used against us, but I have been investing in them since last year and seen some decent returns on them. I only invest in coins that have a use case and are ISO 20022 compliant, which all central banks will be using very soon. The largest investment coin that I have will be used by all banks to move money around the globe, so they will be buying me out.
You should notice that your crypto must be compliant, meaning so the IRS can track it, as it is all their money, and money funds the competition, in why they do not want you to have any.
I do place stock in investors like Dick Allgire, who are trending that next year there will be a switch to crypto or a nationalizing of it in the main banks, as it has created trillions in electronic wealth, and now that the 1% has created this, make no mistake this was the elite who created this scheme for their purpose, they will move to as Jeffry states, bring that wealth into the main banking system.
In projecting this, it will most likely be like Donald Trump and Steve Munchkin, where they will tax it a percentage as the carrot, and threaten to seize it all if you do not bring it in. That will make it kosher.
I'm thankful for this working out for Jeffry and his family. It would appear there will be another crypto blip, before next year and the main events.
The logic is they will have to adjust the stock markets to drive funds out. Gold can not absorb all of that money, so crypto is the likely solution. Just remember that the Chinese economy is falling apart as it is fake. That money will have to be laundered too. Allot of it disappeared in national investments in China, economic warfare is being waged on the peoples of the West, and their resources are being depleted to gain control.
Just make certain in everything you do, that you have prepared, food, water and warmth, and you have an idea of Plan A B C D and E, so you have a general direction. Jeffry is fortunate like Paul in he is in a Great Basin, between the Nevadas and the Rockies. There is a great deal of space to hide, and those Nevadas are a massive buffer for coastal vermin who will not move to a desert when they can eat each other in California.
I'm including one of my favorite English bands so you can see from 1998 how the CIA propaganda they are railing against is who they are damning in Bible and Guns Americans, who were not the problem nor our Minutemen Missiles, but it was always the British intrigue with the Vatican, those kosher left and right leggers joined with the old order who were plotting their own solution in Europe.
Wild Wild West, yes, but now the Protestant Protectors are being hunted and vax enslaved, and now all of these pompous left wing trash are being mined for their DNA as vax slaves.
OK this is the most astute crypto advice I have seen. Just remember the game is rigged against the 99% every time.
Nuff Said
The Escape Club - Shake For The Sheik (1988). 24,488 views24K views. Aug 25, 2015. 306. 3. Share. Save. 306 / 3. ClassicVideos80s.