Friday, October 1, 2021

Today's Lesson in Fruit


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is your lesson today in the future.

Today in our Brier which is August Autumn, we planted two apple trees on the other place. I chose two Minnesota varieties of hardiness and good sweet flavor, as well as keeping in the Harrelson and the Fireside.

Both are red apples and they are planted in a not so windy location and where I will water the life into them all fall. I prefer fall planting on trees, because it is cooler, and the roots will grow until the ground freezes, which is around the end of December here. So I get almost a years growth without stress on the trees.

Last autumn TL and I transplanted numbers of Red Cedar. It was dry, but it did snow a foot early, melted and those trees made it through the winter in great shape and grew wonderfully well in a drought year, because by God' Grace He educated me on the correct mode of planting trees.

If I could grow peaches like Richard and Stephanie I would have a dozen of them in the yard, but they will not survive here, as I have tried. We do have pears, and they do well, but I have not been as fond of them as I was in my youth.

So it is apple trees and when I get transfigured on Jesus return I will have apples to munch on, as honestly that Jerusalem and Holy Land stuff is not that appealing to me. Never was a city girl. I like the wide spaces and no people places.

I suppose none of you ever think about doing things to not just provide for you know, but after when Jesus comes back do you?

Yes you are learning now aren't you.

Nuff Said
