Yes my first wife had cock sucking lips, but I traded her in for a blonde
who can document my sex I got vax palsey.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Reports started appearing a few days ago that California Governor, Nancy Pelosi's nephew, Gavin Newsome, who just had an election stolen for him to remain in office, had not been seen for almost two weeks.
Word is now circulating that Gavin Newsome is paralyzed from the Moderna murdered baby cells vax.
This would seem bizarre in Newsome was one of the original leftist organizers to spread the bioweapon, along with Cuomo, that putz in Washington State an Governor Cuomo of New York.
Some are asking why Gavin Newsome was injected with the bioweapon vax instead of saline. He is after all the blood kin of that ghoul Nancy Pelosi. One has to be pretty powerful to bitch slap the spawn of Nancy Pelosi around, and for her to not breathe a word about it.
The Lame Cherry provides the answers in why Newsome was taken down. The first is, Newsome withheld his child from the vax or the bioforming of little children for the hands of Dictators like Pedo Joe. Children are the flocks of the 1%. They are not yours and you do not get to hold back your children.
"The Governor's daughter only recently turned 12 and has an appointment to be vaccinated," Erin Mellon, a spokesperson for Newsom's office, said.
But two weeks ago, he told the LA Times that she hasn't received it because she has a "series of other shots" to get first. And ten days ago, his office told Fox News that her appointment to be vaccinated is in "a manner of days."
The second sin of Gavin Newsome is something this blog touched on.
Pedo Joe Bifen had reached shelf life before he got the election stolen for him. Biden wanted to choose his successor. The problem even for the 1% is that there are three powerful contenders for the presidency.
The first was Andrew Cuomo of New York.........oopps no he is not, as his rape cock got him indicted just to make sure he is not going to reappear in 2023 to replace Biden.......or before in replacing the lovely Kamala Harris.
The second is Governor Whitmer of Michigan...........ooopps no she is not. She faded to obscurity after being Biden's first choice, but being Obama Afroidmailed, Biden chose the lovely Kamala Harris.
The third is Gavin Newsome. Not it is not as his face is now a drooling mess of drooling mess as he mumbles shit that no one can understand.
Newsome is interesting to the Lame Cherry, as apparently he is an honest son of a bitch. I mean he was not nipple twisting his staff an trying to rape them like Cuomo and he is not crooked like Whitmer. All that was left with Newsome was to give him the bioweapon vax like the regular bleaters were, and with that, all of the power coms are now neutralized.
I wonder if Gavin ever got wood over his hot Auntie Nancy. I bet he made sure he got to bury his head in her big boobs when holiday hugs were being handed out. Probably sat across from her to get a peek up her short skirt as Nancy is one hot Auntie. She is the AILF of AILFs.
Then again, he is not a perv like Cuomo, so his weak spot was getting bioweapon juice in his veins. It would have been better if he had been raping women or doing Whitmer crimes as he would be healthy now, looking at prison sentence for sex or bribe crimes. That should be a lesson to all leftists. Give in to your lusts and ruin people's lives or the 1% is going to inject you with bio poison as you are just too pure to nail on some charges.
I have not paid much attention to Newsome,, as he apparently looks like the Joker back in the old Batman comics.
He did well with the blonde wife. Yeah she could use a 44 DD boob job, but one can see why the 1% pervs were upset that Gavin was protecting the kids, as they are lovely children who thankfully favor their mum and not their comic book daddy.
You know Gavin Newsome looks like Teddy Kennedy is his real dad. Bet the 1% is lining up to get some of that wife. Hunter Biden is probably speed dialing her, offering to immortalize her on his canvas bed.
Anyway, California now has a face freak Governor.
Yup, the Amerikan comrades are not immune. Those pinko states are getting their leaders picked off just like Colin Powell and that survivor Bill Clinton.
Nancy Pelosi can not protect her own. That is a message which should make leftists understand how expendable they are.
Gavin should have kept the cock sucker lip wife, as she could have sucked that vax out and saved him. Let that be a lesson in vax wars. Always keep the cock sucker as doing a blonde trade keeps you vulnerable to the bioweapons.
Nuff Said