Sunday, November 7, 2021


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to share a thought David had, which is completely valid. The Lame Cherry does not comment on Donald John much any more, as he was the only horse in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord to get us out of Death Valley, we rode him out, he was worthless and in the end, he ran off and left us in the open on Jan6 with renegades on one side and bandits on the other.

Of course Donald  Trump could do a number of things now. He is an ex President and would be a whore of value for numerous causes which would benefit Americans and Patriots across the globe. 

Do you think Ronald Reagan just shit money? There used to be networks, in oil to the off book like the CIA running money to South Korean CIA, which invested in Rev. Moon who pumped the money back into the Christian Right in America. Donald Trump is not involved in that, nor is anyone any more, for the simple reason he does not care and he cares more to keep his braying in completely what Webster Griffin Tarpley said the 1% was engaged in, in splitting the Democratic party and ruining the GOP.

That is the reality and if you believe Gavin Newsome in California is so popular that he could not be recalled or that "republican" who "won" in Virginia is a Republican, than you have your fiction you are grasping onto.

I just saw a book came out about the fringe and Qanon. Wonderful CIA DIA Mockingbird propaganda in making Qanon a fringe element leaving people astray instead of what it is, in an psyops run out of the NSA against Americans, for the British MI6.

So the narrative is bullshit. As the Lame Cherry has been complaining the past 10 years is Americans used to get some crumbs. They don't get jack or shit anymore. Americans instead get FedPolice Jackboots and shit on by the entire system.
Donald Trump is in the system. Face it.

I do not comment or post online anything anywhere anymore. I just don't.
So in the past I might have thought up an idea, posted it around a few places, tried to see if it seemed reasonable or not to some other people, and if others then started mentioning it too, felt that was enough and no need to make a big issue out of it or push a point. Let people discuss it if they wish.
However, one such idea came to mind to me, off and on, over the last few months - and I will tell you, since I have no where else to say or post this or that anyone else might even understand what I am inferring or being able to draw a reasonable conclusion out of it - but you will, so I'll say it to you.
This a tell-tale sign too - about DJT.
I mean, if he promoted HCQ early on, before the injections, later people who may have aligned with him politically, supporters, were often promotional of Ivermectin use as prophylaxis and preventative, but on neither were meta-studies done, the combining of many smaller studies, all into one larger study, which is scientifically acceptable epidemiological work and acceptable by the scientific and medical community - if the smaller studies - or else one larger newer study - were done using a double-blind technique, their real gold standard - but expensive to do - then, the question becomes this.
If the cost of it is prohibitively high and the pharmaceuticals have no desire motive to finance such a study in order to negate the use of their forced injections - and if the cost could be in the millions - then why did/does/does-not DJT, who is a private billionaire, fund one of these super duper studies out of his own pocket-book - because he could easily afford/have-afforded to put together a team to do a double blind study worldwide and already have verifiable proof on the efficacy of both HCQ and Ivermectin, making the injections obsolete.
But as expected, he has not.
So this is just more of his not putting his money where his mouth is - or more evidence that he is not really against the forced injections after all - or else he could have funded, privately, himself, studies to prove they were unnecessary in the first place.
Nothing else I wanted to say - but I did want to say this - to someone - at least so then it's another thought on this subject, in regard to DJT in particular - that I am certain I have not heard anyone mention anywhere I've been online, not in comments nor in articles - simply hasn't been asked before, but I think relevant in making any future points about DJT.
Sorry. I just needed to say this to someone, before I forget again and now that I've said it, I can put it to rest.
So now the thought is yours - have fun.
Talk again and Happy Thanksgiving.

TL and I have discussed this and I think I first heard this advice by some Rense guest. If we vote next time, it will be just for local people. Congress has proven what they are. The Soviet Iron Curtain is complete. No one trusts or believes in anything of the system any more whether it is the media. the government, the courts, the police or any business. People are unplugging and just giving up. It is all by design. There is nothing that can be done but to give ground, survive another year, and wait for larger forces to overtake the situation and provide the mouse the cover to scurry around.

Charles Lindbergh who was made a political prisoner by Frank Roosevelt, was right in America should not have fought the Germans, because in time Germany would have mellowed. It is the same with these immortals and hybrids. The time will come in absolute power that they will fall out worse, and have already had a big fall out in the hybrids had their vax creatures and the 1% were releasing bacteria to kill the hybrids. Only so much power out there, and sooner or later there will be those who say, "I rather like having those ReVaxniks out in the pasture as I enjoy them". That is mellowing even in heinous agents of synthetic evolution.

I would advise that you stop posting things online, even texting shit on your phones of consequence as it is all recorded. Yahoo is reading all emails for marketing. No it is the NSA direct linking to do profiles on everyone, just the way Verizon and ATT do the same chit. They monitor the psychology of all for their herding the bleaters.

Venting is just leaving tracks. If the rich donated the funds I kept harping about, I would do this blog as Christian and the other nonsense of prepping and my warped satire. I have no interest in supporting Donald Trump or any of these other pin up ponies. They are not going to fulfill anything American as that is why they are there.

Honestly, I do have a suggestion. Americans in the Hazel days, used to put on a pot of coffee or tea.....that stuff really is expensive now and coffee tastes like charred shit.........anyway, but they used to stop by each other's homes, or meet in some cafe, or even a Church basement or a park bench and just have coffee and talk things out. 
Leave your cell phones in the car, don't get yourself into trouble with some paid regime agent, and start from human connection again in person. You ain't going to catch no COVID unless you get vaxed or are going to hospital and getting Remdesvir. I told you what the flu season is. I got over it with immunity so stop being afraid of people and just talk to each other to get things worked out of your system.

Ok we come to Nuff Said

Nuff Said

