Sunday, November 14, 2021

Boondocks Kitty


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So it was dark.

It was like 6 AM.

You have to turn on the lights or else you might step in cat shit.

So the lights came on and TL was discovering cat shit.

Then TL says to me, "What does that cat have?"

The cat was chewing on something, and I picked her up, and dangling from her mouth was an entrails, and attacked the entrails was the back half of a deer mouse, of the season identified by the white stomach fur.

So I took the prize as who does not want to get out of bed at 6 AM in the dark, expecting cat shit and get dead mouse on their hands.

Then it all appeared.


There was blood on the porch floor. There was blood on the cellar door. Blood on the kitchen floor. Blood in the kitchen. It looked like Jack the Ripper, Lizzy Borden, Dracula and someone who liked drinking real Bloody Mary's or is it Bloody Merries, had had a party. There was blood everywhere!!!!

Who knew that a mouse could have that much blood in it. It was like a pint of blood in a mouse size package. It was red, rich oxygenated and looked like the murder scene of Jimmy Hoffa before it was cleaned up.

I mean there was blood everywhere. If I had a paint brush I could have painted the room. 

"Wow why does this room look like the colour of old dried blood?"

"Because that is what it is, old dried blood, from a mouse that had more blood in it than the Red Cross".

Wilem DeFoe would have fainted. Not shit batman, there was blood, gusher blood, there was blood spray, blood drops, blood on blood, there was blood bleeding, there was blood everywhere. I was just thankful we saw the cat eating the mouse as I would have thought someone had killed our cat. There was just too much blood for a mouse in the house.

It must have been a real blood bath. A blood fight, between cat and mouse. It was blood of epic proportions. I would have thought that Armageddon had happened in my kitchen and spilled out into the porch in blood as deep as a horse's bridle, but I knew I was not near the site, as my shack was just the site of another massive blood letting like God did not set forth in the Bible to warn at least me on what I was to expect on October 21st.

There was blood. So much blood that I still am in shock saying, "There was blood". So much blood. Lord was there blood that Pinesol had to clean up.

So I was with the kitty last year, in the autumn, about this time, and kitty had found a vole by the barn, under a board and the vole bit the cat on the paw as voles are deadly killers and meat eaters. Kitty never much cared for mice things after that. Last year I ended up trapping lots of voles and rats as kitty like playing with them more than being bit.

Then this past summer I heard a mouse, I heard that mouse for a few weeks and then it quite being a sound stage. I wondered if it died or moved out as we had cats, as it was strange. Now I know what happened to that mouse, the cat killed it and ate it. There was not any blood that I could see, just the silence, like of the lambs, but no fava beans or odd wine, as kitty does not have access to the groceries, except bacon fat and food more expensive than what I get to eat. So kitty killed and ate that mouse. Not blood bath, just a mouse and a meal, but not this time, just a deluge of blood all over the place and half a dead mouse attached by entrails.

So I threw the dead half of a meal away, and the cat protested, as it was a blood bath after all, a real blood fight with lots of blood flowing and a mouse having more blood than..........well more than a mouse should have, maybe it got the vax or something, but I threw it away, and when we were leaving to do errands. There was kitty on my chair, sniffing at the trash. Yes kitty has a nose on her like a bloodhound and kitty was going after her second half of a mouse.

I just turned, shut off the light and closed the door. When it comes to blood fights, you just can not deny the victor their hard earned spoil twice.'s #7 Best Gun Fight in Movie History. ... "There was a Fire Fight!" ... The Very Best of Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin.

Nuff Said

