Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Dichotomy of the Vax Creatures

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm really fascinated now in the propaganda which Jeff Rense is presenting for the Greys with Erica Khan as Dr. Fleming has joined in the liability of Pfizer producing contaminated vaccines.

I actually checked on this as Erica Khan speaks of this often in contamination and there are articles on Pfizer with contaminants.

There is a problem in the yellow journalism which Ms. Kahn is producing though.

Dr. Fleming

Mar 10, 2021 ... A 2017 FDA warning letter — which is a strong rebuke for the agency — said the contaminants such as cardboard and glass found in vials posed a “ ...

Pharmaceuticals have become chemicals of emerging concern to the public because of ... through improper disposal of medicines and from manufacturing discharges.

EPA ID: PRD090398074. Location: Highway No. 2, km 60.0, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612. Property Area: 247.10 acres. Other Names: Upjohn Manufacturing Company, ...

Sep 15, 2021 ... In recent weeks, Moderna has had to deal with reports of contaminants discovered in vials of its COVID-19 vaccine in Japan. Now it's Pfizer ...

Mar 1, 2017 ... Some of the biggest violations involved contaminants, including several vials of vancomycin hydrochloride that had pieces of cardboard in them.

If you recall this started about creatures in the vaxes as discovered by a Geologist in Poland and Dr. Carrie Madej. This set off a fixation on calling them contaminants and not creatures.

If you read the above articles, what is listed primarily is mold and cardboard. That is not graphene,  that is not nano particles and that is not aluminum creatures which move. It is disingenuous of Erica Khan to link mold and cellulose with other materials which are moving around in these vaxes.

To assist in this, the following visuals are a cardboard box and mold.

This is the creature which does not look like Pfizer mold or cardboard boxes.

This is what aluminum looks like under electron microscope magnfication.

It is obvious that the aluminum creature found by the Polish Geologist with carbon feet, which is not found in nature is not of the same structure as what has been combined, no more than a human looks like carbon under magnification.

The question remains in these creatures exist. They have not ever been recorded before. They are real and they are not Erica Khan's cardboard of mold. For the Rense program to be linking them to this creature and then discounting that this creature does not exist, as Anthony Fauci discounted Chloroquine is a red herring.

So what is being hidden. Why are people who look like aliens, who have parents who worked with Nordic aliens and are promoting benevolent Greys who rape women and hook electric shock to testicles to cause sperm to ejaculate, are now the chorus of alternative information which does not add up to the facts.

What is so important in this creature that this kind of push back is being generated to tell you that this creature does not exist.

Nuff Said

