As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There are facts which you must face in this complete war on your genocide as a Protestant Christian in this world. By 2028 there will not be any money left, to print or steal. The 1% is not going to wait until 2028 AD in the year of our Lord to have the mob comprehend the power shift that the tit has run dry and the sow is dead.
The US Whore of the Treasury, Janet Yellen had this warning for 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.
"We have learned from past debt limit impasses that waiting until the last minute to suspend or increase the debt limit can cause serious harm to business and consumer confidence, raise short-term borrowing costs for taxpayers, and negatively impact the credit rating of the United States", Yellen said.
So the Robber State punts the debt larceny to December as Christmas is a great time to implode an economy.
These nation rapists of the 1% have looted all social funds you have had your money confiscated into. The collapse due to the Fauci lockdowns is complete and will continue to spiral downward as Biden makes war the ReVaxniks. If the number is 25% to 33%, who are now quitting jobs and who are now going to be persecuted for not being vaxed, joined by the numbers of people thrown off of public relief in regime payouts which have propped up the economy, America's economy is going to vanish by 1/3rd in the last quarter and this should expand.
The reality is, that this super depression is compounded by massive debt spending. The only solution for the nation rapists is to infuse 4 trillion dollars of debt to the elite to continue this farce before necessary actions are unleashed in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, in the spring.
What is being deliberately done in America, was accomplished in Germany after Wilson's global war against Lutherans in the first world war. Germany was saddled with epic debt and the solution the German industrialist, economists, bankers, military and ruling class seized upon, was to inflate German debt out of existence, meaning they printed so much money that money was worthless, which ruined the middle and lower classes, but it make the debt just as worthless and the German elite became even more powerful.
This is the situation in the United States and other nations as this cloth of the land runs rampant by the 1%.
The following is a speech by Adolf Hitler from 1923 when this was engulfing Germans, and the warning is, this is what is upon what is left of the American remnant in what the future holds.
The government calmly goes on printing those scraps of paper because, if it stopped that would be the end of the government.
Because once the printing presses stopped and that is the prerequisite for the stabilization of the Mark, the swindle would at once be brought to light. Believe me, our misery will increase. The scoundrel will get by. The reason: because the State itself has become the biggest swindler and crook. A robber's state! If the horrified people notice that they can starve on a billion, they must arrive at this conclusion: we will not longer submit to a State which is built on the swindling idea of the majority. We want a dictatorship!"
Adolf Hitler
Germany 1923 AD in the year of our Lord.
The Lame Cherry estimates that this Bidencon 4 trillion dollars is the last infusion which will be initiated as other vax and war powers will take over the entire structure in 2022 AD in the year or our Lord. What I believe is the time line from this point on, is one I will not share here. I have provided enough warning for my children to prepare so the structure does not matter in why they should prepare.
You though will not be afforded the luxury Germans were in deciding on a dictator to save them.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said