US President Joe Biden urged all Americans to receive booster shots and warned of a winter full of “severe illness and death” for those who remain unvaccinated amid the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19.“If you’re vaccinated and have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death,” Biden said on Thursday, in brief remarks to the press as he met with his Covid-19 coordination team at the White House.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Clif High's predictive rate of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord in the advance of Bitcoin has reached break point, as have all his other algorithms. That is not to state he is wrong, but when you have established paradigms which no longer produce projected outcomes, then Bitcoin at 123,000 is not going to happen.
We have before us a US debt expansion to reward the conglomerates and financially enslave that 97% group of Americans.
The Biden vax mandates have ruptured. The populace of ReVaxNiks have prevailed. This non lethal Omicron which is likely a flu from the quadvax for flu season, will not force the remaining to be injected with the serum.
The US economy and inflation is now moving polar opposite. The generational plan to neutralize the American economy has been completed. The net result then is what the chief cryptoid is projecting.
You are going to hear a term which you will probably become familiar with. The phrase is Net Zero Value.
Americans should stock up on essentials and prepay their bills before the US dollar crashes in 2022, Jesse Powell, chief executive of Kraken crypto exchange, has predicted. He also sees a decline in the value of Bitcoin.In a TV interview with Blomberg, Powell said he was wondering where the bottom was with regard to the value of the dollar, citing the soaring inflation and interest rates going negative.
He suggested that people should prepay their healthcare and tuition fees and stock up on the basics.
“I’m going to say the dollar is going to zero. You should start stocking up on gasoline and milk right now.”
He added that investors should also take on as much dollar debt as they can because “there will be a jubilee at some point.”
It’s not just the US dollar that’s going to take a beating – Bitcoin will, too. According to Powell, its price is going to fall dramatically to below $40,000 a coin, which some investors see as a buying opportunity.
I have told you to watch the price of gasoline. That is always the tip off to what the 1% is engaged in, in how precarious the situation of control is.
How do you loot a country and then not pay off the debt? The German finance machine figured out the paradigm. The paradigm began when Anglo American Franco finance drew Germany into the first world war, robbed Germany in the peace, caused massive German debt and the Germans responded by wiping out their middle and lower classes, by inflating the German currency to zero value. This zero value also wiped out the entire debt.
A debt of a quadrillion dollars is a debt of a quadrillion dollars as long as the dollar holds value. If the dollar is worth zero cents, then a quadrillion dollars is worth zero dollars.
There is precedent for this in America.When the 1% tried to make America the debt slave it is today, Abraham Lincoln instead created Green Backs, that were worth 100 cents on the dollar and backed by the US Government. John Kennedy did the same thing and got the same bullet to the head.
The Rothschilds took the Greenbacks at 100 percent value, traded them in for gold at that value, and America was left with a legal tender at devalued value.
You can see who this scam is playing out now. The dollar will be brought to zero value. This will wipe out the debt, but will also wipe out the investment portfolios of the 3%. The Federal Reserve will move to stabilize a payment structure, the answer will be a backed crypto currency, which is never going to be Bitcoin. It is logical that all the coin is going to be repatriated into the Fed backed coin, at a much reduced rate or it will reach zero sum too and never return.
At this the Fed backed crypto will inflate in value, up to a point as it will not be allowed to have billionaires made over night in this windfall. This new system will be the only one legally allowed. The hints of this platform are in Riddle which is operational globally tied into Japanese and English finance. Think of Riddle as Paypal for instant purchasing for dollars to pounds to pounds to yen to whatever is out there. Whether Riddle closes the deal is the question, but there will be an international currency exchange which will serve as this platform.
The narrative is at the crux of this and it is why Homeland Security is no longer looking for terrorists. It is instead involved in censoring what people think as the regime's narratives in the diversion of this Omnicron must be silenced because only terrified people can be stampeded into where the 1% wants them to be.
All of this is about the coin. It is about bringing this cyber coin of the head and hand, so you no longer think how you can spend money as the money is out of your hands. It is electronic and therefore you are under the same electronic controls as the coin.
Speaking very slowly and deliberately, Mayorkas answered: “I, um, I do. I, I think that, uh, false narratives present a threat to our security. The propagation of false narratives is something to be condemned. Uh, we need our leaders, uh, to step up and fight against it, eyah, because the words of leaders, you know, they matter quite a bit. They can be very influential in the public discourse. You know, uh, the Department of Homeland Security, our, our work, uh, rests often at the epicenter of the country’s divide, and the country’s divide is something that has security, um, implications, and is also very saddening. You know, last week, uh, I was privileged to attend a memorial service, ahhm, for Bob Dole, uh, one of our nation’s great leaders and great public servants, uh, and, um, heroes. And the — it spoke of a different time. It spoke of a time when, uh, people could disagree on policy and still work together in the service of a country that we all love. And, um, I, and so many others are working to renew that day.”
Yes we all want to renew the day of 1984 as that was such an inspiring age.
The Lame Cherry is not trying to be dinosaur in this, but is going to start explaining what this coin new world is. You are going to have to know these things to not be a part of Babylon, but to navigate Babylon.
For those of you familiar with the pedo Hunter Biden's art world money laundering schemes, the Lady of Queer, Melania Trump, has out distanced that pedo, in plunging in the world of NFT. None of this makes any sense, but it is "an artwork creation" online, that non would buy, but in these schemes coins get dumped in and huge profits are raised. It is magick. Nothing coin, nothing product, nothing accounts and it is all called money and those who are driving this are the ones with the final say.
Excited for this new venture, which combines my passion for art and commitment to helping our Nation’s children fulfill their own unique American Dream. #MelaniaNFT
It is all speculation, but you get hooked to the right scheme and you will have towns and railroads named after you, as this is the same swindles that took money from people, bankrupted them in building railroads and made fortunes for others.
If you get involved in this, you get a currency backed by the Federal Reserve, as remember what the cryptoid said, in there will be a Jubilee for the dollar sometime on the other side. A Jubilee is Biblical, it means all debt forgiven. A quadrillion US dollars worth nothing, and acquired, will one day be worth without debt more than a quadrillion dollars. Most people in order to survive will not be able to hold out that long. That is where crypto herding is taking place in the future.
There is not any need to panic in this. Just be aware as your having your supplies on hand, takes you out of the loop of zero dollars, as you do not have to spend them and can wait this out. The Lame Cherry will from time to time educate you more in this process of the coin so that you will understand it's workings.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said
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