As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The following promise from Russia to deploy medium range nuclear missiles in Europe, means only one thing, Russia intends to break NATO, meaning the United States led alliance, leaving Eastern Europe as the footstool of Moscow, or the Kremlin intends to fight a conventional war in Europe, which it will win, and has finally figured out now to keep Europe after conquering the Continent and that is medium range nuclear warheads, now the threat to neutralize any future American landings.
President Ronald Reagan brilliantly deployed medium range Pershing missiles in Europe to force the Soviets to disarm, after President Dwight Eisenhower stupidly deployed medium range nukes in Turkey which the Soviet's countered with missiles in Cuba, which almost caused the John Kennedy nuclear war of the 1960's.
The tables have now turned with Donald Trump negating the Reagan Gorbachev treaty, with Vladimir Putin finally sensing that with nuclear weapons, he can negate American advanced weaponry in Star Wars.
Nuclear weapons have one saving grace. It is they are dirty and pollute the land. Have them as a threat to American landings after the conquering of Europe and the Soviet Union will be reborn.
Russia threatens to deploy nukes in Europe
Vladimir Putin has been greatly affected by the Sputnik vax. His entire demeanor has changed from the best diplomat in the world to the greatest tactical leader in Europe since Adolf Hitler.
As Russia has figured this out, China has figured this out. This President nominee of the Necrosapiens so popular as a girl counselled the Americans to place nuclear sea mines in the South China to contain China, China will now deploy to control the sea lanes.
Those who are behind this, have wanted Russia to come out and play. The vax has changed President Putin's psychology. He is preparing the European theater for an order of battle which Russia can conquer in 3 weeks. Time is now the limiting factor. No time to rearm and no time to ready an invasion for Americans. Take the ground quickly and hold it with dirty nukes. Dirty nukes trump American clean WMD's.
Two front war for America and it comes to the American mainland in every dimension.
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Nuff Said