Remember the Goldman's who sneaked into America, with the virus,
and then wrote propaganda that Trump was an idiot for trying to
protect Americans from this pandemci to get Trump out of office?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Every person reading this was lied to about this pandemic and every person reading this was manipulated with false information and every person reading this was targeted by a group of people in the United States, who are now the biggest mass murderers in American history and the fact is, they are the quickest mass murderers in American history in this large of statistic.
It required almost a century to kill off the American Indian terrorist. President Harry S. Truman slaughtered hundreds of thousands in Japan in seconds with atomic bombs. But when it comes to sheer numbers in a short space of time and the continued slaughter of Americans and populations across the globe, none compare to the Socio Pharmaceutical trio, which managed the American response to the biological weapon out of Wuhan China and their creations of COVID 19 as a genocidal disease from their Remdesvir treatments. Yes like zyklon gas killed people so Remdesvir kills people just as effectively when dosed as it has been in American hospitals.
The trio as outed by Dr. Scott Atlas who worked in the Trump Administration are:
Dr. Anthony Fauci NIH
Dr. Deborah Brix Task Force Coordinator
Dr.Robert Redfield CDC
If you play back your memories, you will remember it was this trio with Obama holdovers who first let the infected into America.
If you remember it was the CDC which sabotage the testing kits to spread this virus.
If you remember it was Anthony who funded Gain of Function research in Wuhan China to weaponize this virus.
If you recall it was this trio who suppressed lifesaving treatments in Ivomec, Chloroquine which cost hundreds of thousands of people their lives.
If you recall, it is their worthless vax which is costing billions of dollars to Americans and it has provided zero protection from this virus, and all this vax has accomplished is to inhibit the body's ability to fight off viruses and cancers.
The recorded death toil from this trio is surpassing 2 million Americans.
This is not the end of it though as this trio suppressed medical treatments for other conditions and is still murdering Americans.
"But it also inflicted massive harm because you have to remember, we shut down a lot of medical care. It wasn’t just cosmetic surgery or something like that that was shut down. We had 650,000 people with cancer on chemotherapy. Half of them skipped their chemo just during the spring of 2020 out of fear. We had 85% of living organ transplants did not get done compared to the previous year. We had two-thirds of cancer screenings did not get done. These people still have cancer."
Atlas added that many people who put their chronic health conditions on the back burner during the early days of the pandemic, whether voluntarily or because hospitals were full, are now finding themselves sicker than ever.
"They’re going to come back with widespread, what’s called metastatic, disease. A lot of them are going to die," he continued. "We had massive increases in drug abuse, in spousal abuse, in child abuse. ... So this was a massive harm, and the harm, again, all the losses, we are almost on the verge of destroying a younger generation, by the way, we have a massive rise in anxiety disorder, in depressive disorder."
This murderous trio has caused crimes against humanity suffering and death. My brother is dead from this vax and suffered a horrendous death in multiple strokes and becoming a cancer organism.
Will anything ever be done in this world to these murderers and their corporate controllers? Never. The system is so corrupt as proof that Anthony Fauci is still protected and promoting dozens for more boosters for his cronies profit.
What a Christian has Faith in is God. They will face the Judgment of Christ and it will be certain with hell following. The Truth must be recorded in this world, as America produced a group so notorious, many names we will never know, who surpassed the ghouls of Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin combined.
Nuff Said