Monday, December 20, 2021

The Return of Sarah Palin

Her remarks come as President Joe Biden is preparing to further demonize the unvaccinated in his big Tuesday pre-Christmas Omicron speech. The White House has already put out a teaser that those who have declined to obey will be blamed for his failure to deliver on campaign promises to get the virus under control.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have explained that this blog is finished with politics. It is not going to support a corrupt system nor be sucked into the drama of it. I will though make commentary and in the tradition of Frederick Douglas the great voice of the people, will point out why I'm not ever voting for Donald John Trump again or his GOPliter cadre. I will note alternatives for those who choose to be involved and one of those alternatives is Governor Sarah Palin.

Yes I fully recall that Sarah Palin abandoned us when we needed her. I also know FOX was spying on her and she got told to disappear or she would be disappeared. So she saved her life and went to her Alaska brothel family of Biden type soap operas and vanished.

Governor Palin though has appeared with the majority group of Conservatives, and produced a message advocating for the rights of Americans, who like her had the Coronavirus Wuhan and therefore have natural immunity and do not need the vax nor the boosters, with all the harmful side effects which are know. I will remind readers that my brother was murdered by the serum and I'm not going to forget that. 

Palin – who had COVID – made the case for natural immunity, a concept that has been widely accepted by science but with the vaccines having been hyper-politicized by the left who have seized on mandates as a way to punish Trump supporters, such a suggestion is now treated as heresy and perhaps, more importantly, it cuts into the profits of Big Pharma.

She also tore into Dr. Anthony Fauci whom Palin called “the biggest shyster out there on TV,” a sentiment that is shared by much of the country outside of media studios and the deep blue coastal bastions of the cultural elite.

Governor Palin was a bit more demonstrative in stating "over her dead body" would she be coerced into being vaxed, but the message is clear, the Ronald Reagan Conservative majority is represented ideologically by the gathering which Sarah Palin attended.

On the contrary is Donald John Trump, with the wife beater, Bill O'Reilly conducting their "historical tour" in which they promoted people being vaxed like they were. Not one word from Donald John Trump nor Bill O'Reilly in the coming months of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, where Dictator Biden and the ghoul Anthony Fauci will be injecting babies who have no reason to be injected.

Donald Trump seems to have concluded that his fraud Vatican nominees which only protect Catholic rights while wiping out Protestant Christians vax rights, is acceptable, as acceptable transferring aborting babies from Planned Parenthood, to aborting them with the Pedovax.

It is unacceptable to endanger, harm and slaughter children with the pedovax as Donald Trump appointed black robes who will not protect children in the womb, but only transfer the slaughter to Concentration Camp Aborticide States like New York and California for massive profits.

It is obvious that Donald John Trump and Bill O'Reilly have gulped the koolade and are advocates for the liberals.

Why I will not support Donald Trump ever again:

Donald Trump attempted to humiliate those who booed him as a "small group in the corner".

Donald Trump has shifted clinical aborticide to syringe aborticide.

Donald Trump's wife, the Marion Melania of the Vatican is praised as the Queer Queen in getting sodomite awards from sex perverts.

Donald Trump abandoned America on January 6th, without amnesty to be hunted down and destroyed by the Dictator Biden Justice Department.

Donald Trump according to his defenders in the White House, had no control over Anthony Fauci, so the wonderful vaxes he is championing that made billions of dollars for Big Pharm while Americans are being inflated to debt slavery, are harming and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Donald Trump has become a tool of the left.

If you want to be involved in politics, then Donald Trump is not your political choice. You can get the same propaganda from Jen Psaki and be belittled and threatened by Joe Biden as Donald Trump engages in.

The Lame Cherry will never support Donald Trump again. The Lame Cherry will never support these fraud governors from Florida, Texas and South Dakota as they are all the same side show of abandoning the right when push comes to shove. South Dakota is pedoland. Texas is now building a wall after the invasion is complete. Florida is just making that state a concentration camp of people on the Right.

Any person political who weakens this GOPliter dictatorship that mirrors Joe Biden.

For now that is Sarah Palin and where she is holding up.

Nuff Said
