Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Strokes of Midnight


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

U.S. Intel: Russia Preparing Military Offensive Against Ukraine

“Biden administration says military offensive would include an estimated 175,000 troops.”

As this floor show has been going on since Birther Hussein, the logical projection in this is, when Russia moves, China will move, or vice versa, as Hitler and Stalin coordinated in the prelude to World War II in Poland.

As long as Russia does not move outside of it's sphere, meaning not crossing into Poland and the Balkans, Russia will be successful in this venture.

Equally if Peking stays with Taiwan, they will hold the island.

This will bring though short range nuclear missiles in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia.

Logic would increase beefed up nuclear NATO into Poland, Bulgaria and Romania.

This has been pushed by the Pentagon and the 1% Conglomerates and it does appear that the world is moving forward. Russia's increase supply of oil as much as OPEC will flow into China.

The reason Pedo Joe had the election stolen for him by the Europeans in the Great Game was to created an American division, and in the Dictator's weakness, this would allow for the emergence of a central European power leader to contend with the Russians, which would leave the English scraping up the pieces of America, Europe and Asia for them to Round Table rule again.

Do not look for this as Armageddon. Look for it as more of a lark

Anything that occupies the police state as a primary focus off the vax state is a welcome diversion.

Nuff Said

