As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Today's Sabbath Bible study is Revelation Chapter 14. It is in symbolism as most of Revelation is, but the essence of the closing verses, dovetail into the global regime falling, and all those who accepted the mark of the beast or the were identified with this global regime so they could profit and live.
In the first part of the chapter it deals with Babylon or the global system falling and what is the result of those allied with this system against God. The second part follows as a testimony to God NEVER forgets.
Iti s symbolism, but these verses are about harvest, but it is not the harvest of the Saints. Instead when the knife is plunged into the earth, and the evil recorded is rendered out, it goes into the Cup of the Wrath of God, to be poured out upon the world.
People always think they are going to get away with things, but they do not. God visits the sins of the unrepentant to the children of their 4th generation. The reason it is not a 5th is because thy are dead and their family line is extinguished.
All of this evil, whether it is aborticide, sodomy, sex perversion is all personal and national sins, condoned by this world system. God records it all, and without Jesus blotting those pages of your lives and your nation's lives of their rebellion against God, those condemning actions are all there.
God is Righteous. If He did not condemn sin and punish it, He would not be Righteous as People trust Him for Justice.
So when the sickles are plunged in, and the poisonous fruit of evil is trodden out, that fills the Cup of God's Wrath which is then poured out upon people and the earth as the final reckoning.
This reckoning is not "Someone Else", it is you. I leave it at being you, as too many of you would seize upon the "if you do not repent", and then say, "Why I'm a good person or I sit in a pew in Church". That is BULLSHIT. Good works alone do not save people and satan is in Church mind wandering people all the time.
This is a matter of Faith. This is a matter of keeping God's Law perfectly. This is a matter of confessing Jesus as the only begotten Son of God and trusting in Him for your Salvation alone. This is OBEDIENCE to God and this is CARING for others.
As donations to this blog prove, most of you are bankrupt, thieves and you like making whores of God's Virgins.
Revelation Chapter 14
14 And I saw, and lo, a white cloud, and upon the cloud [one] sitting like to a son of man, having upon his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle;
15 and another messenger did come forth out of the sanctuary crying in a great voice to him who is sitting upon the cloud, `Send forth thy sickle and reap, because come to thee hath the hour of reaping, because ripe hath been the harvest of the earth;'
16 and he who is sitting upon the cloud did put forth his sickle upon the earth, and the earth was reaped.
17 And another messenger did come forth out of the sanctuary that [is] in the heaven, having -- he also -- a sharp sickle,
18 and another messenger did come forth out from the altar, having authority over the fire, and he called with a great cry to him having the sharp sickle, saying, `Send forth thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because come to perfection have her grapes;'
19 and the messenger did put forth his sickle to the earth, and did gather the vine of the earth, and did cast [it] to the great wine-press of the wrath of God;
20 and trodden was the wine-press outside of the city, and blood did come forth out of the wine-press -- unto the bridles of the horses, a thousand, six hundred furlongs.
A stadia is a Greek measurement of 600 feet. 1600 stadia would be 960000 feet, or 181.81 miles.
That is a heap vat full of blood which is 3 feet deep and almost 200 miles long. That is the Wrath of God and it does mirror in some way the blood of Armageddon.
This is all coming due and what the world is surging forward to.
Nuff Said