Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Adolf Hitler was Born in Minnesota


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The problem with everyone who reads this blog is that they have a basic two level understanding of history and current fact because the Mockingbird has conditioned this for contention, and as all of you reading this, never bother to glean anything by reading real books, this endless propaganda prevails.

The Lame Cherry once again though in matter anti matter exclusives is about to educate you, so that you will be met with once again dumb faced blinks and expressions which your chat tables will not be able to absorb.

Most of you think Adolf Hitler and Nazism started with Adolf Hitler with a push from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds to bring Germany to it's genocided doom. That is not the case at all.

Here is a history of Adolf Hitler being born in Minnesota.

It was in the year of 1853 AD in the year of our Lord, in November of that year that an advertisement appeared in the Illinois Staats Zeitung of Chicago  for the formation of the German Land Company. The genesis of this was Germans lured to the United States Midwest and discovering they were White slaves. While attending English language classes at night, they seized upon an idea of social emancipation which would obtain for them civil independence. A revolution was brewing in Chicago and would manifest later in the Chicago Riots as the Marxist communists move on America and General Sheridan called out Federal Troops to smash it, but this German Socialism was soon enough going to transplant itself to the frontiers of America and is still affecting America today for the worse.

The ad stated that the purpose of this land company was to produce a home for every German laborer, popish priests and lawyers excepted in some healthy and productive district on some navigable river.

In a Co Op which collected dues this land company was moving to buy land in the United States. By 1854 AD in the year of our Lord, the number of popish Germans paying money into this land company was 800. The laborers and the professionals had united upon a cause to form a socialist Catholic state inside of America.

Do not forget this for a second in the Catholics involved in this. They spread communism in South America which created Obama and created the disaster of the Indian terrorists as modern communist states on the reservations.

An agent first tried to settle the first wave of Germans into Michigan, where they would not go. The German scouts then tried Iowa and found the land all gone. They next ventured to the prairies beyond St Paul in Minnesota and after being frightened by Indians, tempted by other land speculators, and finding a friend in the French trader, Lafromboise in the vicinity of Fort Ridgely,  These German socialists came upon a confluence of the Cottonwood River and the main branch of the Minnesota River in a site not prefect, but a site which was in contention with other speculators, and it is here the Germans decided to stake their claim.

They chose the name of their city as Ulm,  After the German Ulm, which in Latin was a compilation of "beyond the settlements" and thus began the foundation of New Ulm.

Soon ready additions were made to the small community as the Cincinnati Group appeared, and were interested in buying a share in New Ulm, which was readily granted and with that popish Germans began pouring into this region.

There was a bit of a problem  though in two. These liberated socialists soon decided that Christianity was not something to cumber them so started persecuting Christians and those they deemed not right of the community. The other problem was one which prevailed on the utopia in the Sioux terrorists were being pushed back off the land of Iowa and Minnesota into the Dakotas, after their migration from Canada.

This would be the foundation of the pig sty of Minnesota. High morals without religion as federal agents from DC in corruption stole money promised to the terrorists and German socialists arrogantly blundering along hording up wealth as the Indians who were lazy and holding a big grudge decided to even things out.

This is a lesson in socialism in America, one lost on these same Germans who erected on statue in New Ulm to Hermann the German who fought and destroyed the Roman legions, in they trusted in Government paid soldiers for security, instead of providing for the common defense.

When the Indians unleashed their terrorism in western Minnesota, the Germans did not believe it. The military did not believe it, because a German had spread a rumor that the Indians were on the rampage, the military responded and found it was a hoax.

So under the auspices of these civilized Indians, the Germans who when several thousand refugees poured into New Ulm as survivors, had barely 12 shotguns and 12 rifles to defend the city.
In one instance, a group of 13 families believed the Indians would protect them on their way to Fort Ridgely, and laid their 12 shotguns in the back of the wagon. When the terrorists rode up, the terrorists shot all the men, told the women to come down and be gang raped if they cared to survive, and those who did not, were shot down too, as the children were tomahawked. 

The Sioux of Minnesota were who the 7th Calvary faced even though Nutty Pony and Squat Bull have been propagandized as the leaders. These Sioux made the atrocities of the Comanche and Apache look like child's play. The Sioux cut babies from German women and spiked them to trees to die. They cut heads off of men, women and children. That is why their sign is CUT THROAT as that is what the Sioux did. They gang raped females. When all was said and done after weeks of this rampage and Abraham Lincoln only executed 39 of these terrorists, most of which had converted to Catholicism, 1000 German socialists lay dead and rotting on the plains. 30,000 had become refugees. 2 million dollars in damages were inflicted which would be 200 billion today, and Germans simply disappeared from infants to adults in no one knew what happened to all the dead.

This is where Adolf Hitler's great socialism began in America. It was utopia, it was popish, it was hateful of Protestants, it was intent on promoting only itself, and after being obliterated by the terrorists, it rose again in even more socialists pouring in, and giving America those wonderful leftist trash which brought ruin to all of America in Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, Paul Wellstone progressivism which America is being destroyed with.

Socialism did not begin with Adolf Hitler. This was a German mindset, not from the Puritans of Pennsylvania or elsewhere, but manifesting from that great socialist communist dictatorial nation of teh Vatican in popish Germans.

For those of you now in ignorance branding this as all German, this was not German Lutherans. They would not have anything to do with these Catholics. I remember my Grandfather not shopping in Catholic stores and when his son was going to marry a Catholic girl, there was not in any way that marriage was ever going to take place. It was drilled into these Lutherans what the Catholics had done in the old country and they knew if they ever got the chance they would do the same in America again and they are doing that with a Catholic dictator and the black robes on the Supreme Court only finding for Catholics.

The German Lutherans were capitalists not socialists. They all had guns and never allowed the inroads.

So that is your history how Adolf Hitler was born in America, after being transplanted by Catholics into America and starting their orders of exploitation which promoted only them.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

