Wednesday, January 12, 2022


The Christophobe Reiners, hating allot more than Christians

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the first time, TL and I sat down and watched Misery, a Rob Reiner film, starring James Caan and Kathy Bates. The cast was exceptional really in the primary roles a secondary roles.

What stunned me in watching this as Dr. Seuse, a liberal was targeted in why Rob Reiner has not been removed for this movie which was filled with racial and sexual hate.

Rob Reiner with his father Carl, have been noted Christophobes in Christian haters for their entire careers. In Misery though, Rob Reiner exhibits rabid Homophobia and Ameriphobia (hatred of people who are Americans) in his depiction of both James Caan and Kathy Bates.

James Caan portrays a writer of romance novels. We all know that these novels appeal to White rather plump women, and for this Reiner focuses on making Bates into a stereotype of American sayings in no one could love a fat White woman.

Reiner does not stop there, as Bates is not just fat and American, no Kathy Bates is a serial murderer who is killing off children, and quoting the Bible of course, so Reiner hates fat people, women, Christians, Americans and those who read romance novels.
For those who think that it is just fat women Reiner hates, Reiner has the lovely Lauren Bacaal portray a ruthless literary agent who preys on romance readers and when James Caan is kidnapped and survives Kathy Bates, Bacaal wants him to write about it, opening up the trauma again.
The movie ends with a White woman, of course uubserviant as a desert cart girl in a restaurant, telling Caan that she too is his number one fan. So every woman who reads romance novels is a serial murderer, if she White.

At this point, one would think this would be enough, but no it is not, as Rob Reiner has Kathy Bates character worshiping the homosexual Liberace. She plays his records and of course a homosexual would only appeal to a lunatic woman who lives in rural Colorado.
The hatred in this film is disturbing and no one has ever demanded that Rob Reiner apologize for this horrid hate filled movie.

As I watched the movie, there was one thing evident in Rob Reiner is at best a Dick Van Dyke sitcom director. He is very elementary in direction. In Misery, he overlays this with plagiarizing the great Alfred Hitchcock in his masterpieces of human horror. Rob Reiner is a great deal like Indians like Dinesh D'Souza trying to tell Americans what it is like to be an American. Reiner can steal Hitchcock's angles, lighting and typical building scenes, but he has no idea how to put human emotion into it to make it lasting. He does faux Hitchcock, but you know it is fake. The Hitchcock patterns in movies works in Misery, but Rob Reiner keeps getting in the way of the artistic genius of Alfred Hitchcock.

For me personally and any other director, when given this type of movie, I would have worked hard to include at least two signature moments to show my style, to my stamp on the movie, and yet Rob Reiner is absolutely incapable of anything but hate.
His directing in all cliche from the jeep bouncing along ruts in the road for that insane feeling which has been done even in cartoons to the close ups of Kathy Bates reciting her liines in pale lighting.

The hatred though of Rob Reiner erupts in the final scene between Bates and Caan. Alfred Hitchcock had none rule, and that was you never alienate your audience. You put a bomb in the room, but you never let it go off, but you build suspense by talking of other things.

Richard Fahrsworth, the beloved actor, plays the Sheriff who goes horror movie stupid, which Hitchcok would never allow, and Bates blows him to death with a double barrel shotgun. This leads up to James Caan, in a gruesome fight with a woman, beating Kathy Bates to death with his typewriter, then of course she comes to live again in Reiner cliche, only to be beaten to death with a metal pig.

Yes Kathy Bates pet is a pig, meaning White women who relish homosexual music are pigs too, and a pig is used to beat her to death. Bette Midler another rabid Reiner crony is Miss Homo Promo, but she is silent on this, even though Rob Reiner has labeled her as the same pig. We now know where Barack Hussein Obama got his pig line which he branded on Sarah Palin, in women are all pigs.

A movie like this would not be ever produced today. It is covered up and Hollywood in wokeness forgets about the phobic hatred which Rob Reiner directed. One expects this against Whites and Christians, but Rob Reiner unleahsed on Women and Homosexuals in this movie in what he was phobic about. All of which is disturbing in the distance of time to observe as it is disgusting to see this kind of venom, and is reprehensible that the wokesters have not risen up and demanded this movie be banned and Rob Reiner made to apologize.

Nuff Said

