As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When you think of the Covid serum, all of you are thinking of this as kill everyone or cure everyone, when this serum is nothing of the sort. This is ..........just revisit Charles Darwin, a genius relative of mine.
Natural Selection
Survival of the Fittest
The Jeff Rense links below shed some more light on this as sometimes that site is a bit opaque in the grey lens.
I told you this is about Synthetic Forms, the evolution of what has become homosapiens.
I'm not going into conjecture here, but what the Bible says, that should weed out you eye rollers, as who did God create? Adam and Eve.
If you look at the breeding program, God's humans produced the sons of God in the Adam line, and then a reference to something that appeared in Nephillium. Steve Quayle has been making buy old silver coin bucks off of that racket in demons fucking the daughters of man, but demons are spirit and do not have semen so that is bullshit.
So humanity had a God race in it, and something else developed which was called a race of giants. God saw fit in Noah's time to protect the Noah line, and his 3 sons, and drown the rest.
There are hints after the deluge in Canaan what these DNA degenerates were in giants, some had 6 fingers and toes, some were lion men. Same genetic mutants which pop up today. God obliterated these spiritual degenerates who were anti God.
I digress, but do not , as these realities link in to the reality that humans have a God gene, somewhere came a Neanderthal and there is a corrupt gene which appears when generations are anti God.
Humanity is now in the process of a synthetic evolution, a way to achieve things which it has been held back from by God. You remember the Garden of Eden story. God left two DNA trees in the Garden. One the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the other the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life was the eternal doomsday DNA without God. The Good and Evil was fixable by the introduction of God into the DNA.
This vax is what the demon technology provided to the 1% to do an end around to not need God to change that DNA to the immortal. Don't forget the two parties in this Faustian contract. There are demons, the demons who contracted with some humans to produce a humanoid type. There were pretty ones and not so pretty ones. The greys were the interbreeding connect with selected humans to create the hybrids.
On the other part you have the race of humans contending to replace God. You may have heard of the anti Light, that is what this is.
The two sides are working out a backstabbing of each other as there can not be two master races, only one immortal slave class to serve them.
Both have a creation arm in DARPA which is working it's own Iron Man tricks. Still working these parts out on Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives but this is in the iron. There appears to be a like Synform in the two originators, as synthetic humans, not iron based. Iron Man of Darpa is basing their DNA sequence in the ferrous metal.
Dr. Pierre Gilbert In 1995 - 'Mandatory Vaccination
Will Make It Possible To Control People
Engineered Protein Crystals Make Cells Magnetic
More Evidence MAC (Media Access Control)
Addresses Are Being Embedded In The Vaxed
Natural selection has been voided in this last evolutionary DNA. It is unnatural selection. Think of this serum as multi use platform. It culls what these groups do not want in their slave DNA. It enhances the other non God DNA and it makes trophies of the survivors of the Lost 10 DNA.
This is breeding. It is not mutation, although when the star children are introduced in the Great Deception. It will be a survival of the fittest of sorts, but no life would survive if the time is not shortened as a planet full of demons bent on genocide, immortals getting their DNA sequence wrong to perpetual rot, radioactive, chemical, and bioweapons, with stars falling out of the sky. Those are some unhealthy realities like the serum tampering with the helix which is only life giving when it responds to the God frequency. Otherwise it vibrates death.
God is very all knowing in creating a sequence which does not exclude him.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said