Monday, January 17, 2022

Prion Brain


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have had two most disturbing to me experiences with Clotters, the vaxed who have undergone personality changes.

My brother was a chronic bitcher.  The man could have the best day hunting, and bitch that it was over as he got his limit on geese. I knew at that point there was never going to be anything that would please him.

When he got vaxed and boosted, even his co workers were puzzled as he went from what he was being on PMS to "don't worry be happy".

The Tractor Whisperer was one of the nicest and most pleasant people I know.  We delivered a Christmas present to him, and he was a complete ass. I could have ignored it ,but then he called me up and left a message apology, so I had to try and find him on Christmas to make sure his Christmas was not ruined by soothing things over. If he would have left the illusion, it would have been fine by me that I could ignore his being a vax head, but he ruined things pretty much by confirming what I was willing to let be ignored.

Absolutely different personalities in two people I knew, and both got the serum.

I can tell something is wrong with numbers of people who have been vaxed and have been boosted. I have a cousin with prostate cancer, went into his bones and he was telling me when the mother died he was going to give up treatment and die. 3 years ago, and he is still doing the cancer treatments and he could not run fast enough like his entire family to get vaxed.

His wife acts like a karen, his brother acts like he has Karen's PMS now and while it is not everyone I know, I sure can see the difference in people as there is either this boober grin or wild animal hate in there eyes.

If you have not noticed, allot of celebrities have died from this serum. Allot of soccer players have died too. This is all expanding out from the Colin Powell eliminations to an endless obit saga of people dying at home unexpectedly.

I'm not convinced though that this personality change is from blood clots in this serum, for the real reason, my brother stroked out 3 times, last one a massive stroke, but he had no brain swelling and no clots. His personality changed and his brain stroked in his right side went paralyzed, but yet what was a stroke reality was not what we call a stroke.

You may have noticed personality changes, increased aggressiveness and a turn toward animalistic / zombie-like behavior.

These are signs that blood clots are starting to form in their brains, cutting off the oxygen to the parts of the brain responsible for processing higher cognitive functions. Essentially, they are devolving into vaccine zombies, and they don’t even realize it.

It’s important to understand that the more extreme their personality changes, the more blood clots are affecting their brain. Accordingly, the less time they have remaining to live. So when you see vaccine zombies losing their minds and behaving in ways that seem like a divergence from humanity, recognize that they don’t have much longer to live. Many “mask Karens,” in other words, will soon be “expired Karens” as the spike proteins cut off the last functioning portions of their injured brains.

Recognizing this, The New American host Ben Armstrong recently asked, “Are people who still wear masks suffering from a mental illness?”

I remember and episode of House where a woman was sex crazed hot box, and it turned out she had some VD that affected her brain. Most VD will cause like Al Capone a brain problem. Those are spirochetes like in Lyme Disease. There are a various group of exposures which can cause brain dysfunction. 

Most old people start acting weirder than shit as the mother became a glaring example of whatever imbalances are in geezers. For that reason, I looked for prion related brain dysfunction instead of clots which the "I have an ivory keyboard, it makes sounds, so therefore it is not a piano, but an elephant" have jumped to inaccurate conclusions.

Actually prions cause all of the problems which are being exhibited, from stroke to personality changes.

Mar 12, 2010 ... Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder in which accumulation of a pathogenic isoform of prion ...

Jul 15, 2020 ... Prion diseases cause dementia, but not Alzheimer's disease. ... show if your symptoms are caused by a stroke, brain tumor, or inflammation:.

Another human disease caused by a prion is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, ... The most common pathological change causing stroke is atherosclerosis of the ...

The medical data is pointing to a diagnosis that it is prions, which is what is in this serum in fast replication to protect against "Covid" which it is not doing, and in that this mRNA is producing a brain dysfunction in numbers of people. My brother stroked out, so this is indeed deadly. He did not last 18 months. He was dead in weeks as his entire system went death zone. Not everyone is dying though and this is not because of the saline injections. This mRNA gene therapy is affecting people differently, even in the different vax groups.

I do not believe that people will recover from this prion in the brain. I'm not stating it will kill all these people, because I know people going onto a year with this vax, and while their personality changed, they are not dead or dropping over dead. That may be for the long haul or these people might start degrading. Time is all we have as we will never get a look at the 1%'s data on their testing before they released this entire series of injections which had their own kill ratio so all of this is known.

The Lame Cherry searches the data, assembles it, and makes projections so people can understand what is out there and what they are dealing with. Injury and death are traumatic, but there is some peace in knowing what is killing you or people you know, to at least brace for the outcome, instead of questioning what might have been tried.

I was going to come up with some wonderful name for all of this which was clever, but as I was finishing this up, the words came for the title of this article and it is fitting for this condition, as there is nothing fancy about the numbers it is affecting, so the condition from the mRNA is called Prion Brain.

I suppose you could always call it Karen Brain to be clever.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
