“They are extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists,” said Trudeau. “It’s a small group that muscles in, and we have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people?”
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In what has become Caligula, Edward III and Joe Stalin, Canada has left the land of the midnight sun, and become a darkness which is enveloping the planet from the stain of Australia upon humanity and the despot of France in Manny Macron in rhetoric of plans to shit on the French people.
Justin Trudeau has been busy in Canada, calling Canadians subhuman Neanderthals muscling their way in over civilized folk. What would be hate speech for the right is not prosecuted in the Prime Minister. Canada has a new aboriginal class. It is not the Indian, not even the Chinaman or Muslim. It is that group of Canadians who were the productive White Americans who were lured to Canada a century before.
“Over 80 per cent of the population of Quebec have done their duty by getting the shot. They are obviously not the issue in this situation.” All clear in La Belle Province. And just who does that leave? And where do they live? (My guess is he thinks most of them must be in Alberta, but that’s just a guess on my part.)
In an amazing twist, once upon a time Canada invited legions of Germans who were being persecuted in Russia to civilize Canada in Protestant sects. Now those Christian who are the ReVaxNiks are the target of thee entire Ottawa regime with it's satellite communists to invent Obamacare rationed death penalties to make Canadians comply.
What are gulags in Australia, shit upon French in France, are the Canadian American Russian pioneers who are now going to be penalized for freedom. Yes in Canada, the neo legalities are that Quebecois are about to be fined for not injecting mRNA gene altering prions into their bodies, because they have read the science in it is unnecessary and it is in many cases deadly.
Quebec plans to hit unvaccinated with a 'significant' tax
The 'health contribution' announced by Premier Legault would become the first such tax in Canada
None of this bodes well for the American Citizen. Canadian conservatives were absolutely as silent about this attack by Trudeau upon Canadians as were Germans about the death camps. America was silent too in Dictator Biden agrees with this Trudeau, French and Australian onslaught against the Citizen.
We are in the phase now of actual data coming in on this serum and it's effects. The projections are that 2 million plus Americans died from this serum in the first 8 months of these injections. We are talking about 2 to 3 % of the population died from exposure to this serum.
There also were an additional 10 percent who were adversely affected from this serum. The Lame Cherry bases this on that 100 million have been injected and not the inflated numbers which were reported.
Transfer those numbers onto Canadians and that is a massive health problem. 80% of Quebecois have been injected, if that number is to be believed. That means that 13% of those people have been harmed. If you factor in saline injections for cover, then the numbers are staggering in rising to almost 30% of the population injected were harmed.
If a new world order desired to rid itself of Reubenite Canadians for the balmy Ottawa Paradise of Castro birthed Trudeau. then this vaxination program was a way to kill people off without a war. People forget that the 1% used to fight wars not for profits but to rid the nations of excess populations. There is no need for a war, if 20% of the population can be removed. Those are horrific war casualties, but in war, it was mostly the breeding 18 to 50 year old males. In this serumcide, women and children are added to the numbers.
This is a most economical societal management as it has cost only billions with billions in profit for the few conglomerates involved. Little environmental impact, and nothing of the trillions for modern wars and the contamination from war. This was really a perfect management project as the numbers did not exceed the ability of the gravediggers to bury the dead. There was not any need for mass graves or crematoriums running around the clock. This was a brilliant managed operation, and now in Canada, people are going to be fined for staying alive and if they refuse, then that is what concentration camps are for and RCMP's with military firearms are for.
This all must have been missed by Donald Trump as he has been silent on his former colleagues from Australia, France and Canada.
VaxTax penalties are being rolled out in Canada. They will appear in all nations, even as Astra Zeneca stated that it is impossible for pharmaceuticals to keep vaxing billions of people every 6 months with boosters as the resources simply are not there for this kind of programme.
The resounding chorus in this is, the leaders of the West will no longer tolerate people. Just remember they have guns, the gulags and the government to make it all legal, when they criminalize you for being free.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said